July-October 1986 —A list of the Maine 1986 FIRE ATTACK SCHOOLS is available. These not-for-profit training and education seminars are held on weekends throughout the state, and are made up of individuals from the eastern United States and Canadian provinces. For information, contact: Steve Willis, Deputy Administrator, Maine Fire Training and Education, Department of Educational and Cultural Services, State House Station 23, Augusta, ME 04333; telephone (207) 289-5854 or (207) 941-4628.

July-November 1986 —The basics of EQUIPMENT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE are covered by the FMC Corporation’s schools, held regularly for customers by the firm’s Fire Apparatus Division headquartered in Orlando, FL. Information on upcoming schools can be obtained from Fetch Henderson, FMC Corporation, Fire Apparatus Division, 7300 Presidents Drive, Box 13400, Orlando, FL 32859.

July-December 1986 —A listing of the 1986 FIRE SCIENCE RESIDENTIAL PROGRAMS are available from the New York State Department of State’s Office of Fire Prevention and Control. All courses will be conducted at the Academy of Fire Science, and include topics covering interviewing techniques for the fire investigator, cause and origin determination, fire/arson investigation, fire pump maintenance, and mote. For information, contact: Academy of Fire Science, 600 College Ave., P.O. Box 811, Mountour Falls, NY 14865; telephone (607) 535-7136.

July 13-16, 1986-MICHIGAN FIRE CHIEFS ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE will be held at the Valley Plaza, Midland, MI. For information, contact: Chief Carl Gerds, 16370 Nine Mile Road, East Detroit, MI 48021; telephone (313) 445-5056.

July 20-August 1, 1986 —Texas A&M will hold its annual FIREMEN’S TRAINING SCHOOL EXHIBITS designed for municipal fire departments and industrial fire and safety personnel. For full details and information, contact: The Texas A&M University System, Texas Engineering Extension Service, College Station, TX 77843; telephone (409) 845-7641.

July 28-August 1, 1986 – AIRCRAFT INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SEMINAR sponsored by Williams & Associates will be held at the Red Lion/Sea Tac, 18740 Pacific Hwy. South, Seattle, WA 98188. This program is intended for those who respond to the scene of an aircraft mass casualty incident. For further information, contact: Larry E. Williams, P.O. Box 16955, Baton Rouge, LA 70893; (504)769-4811.

August 4-8,1986 – The OHIO ARSON SCHOOL will be held at the Marriott Inn North, Columbus, OH. Lectures will include investigating high-rise fires, update on terrorism in the United States, bombs, investigative procedures, and more. For more information, contact: John C. Haney, Secretary/Treasurer, Ohio Arson School, Inc., P.O.Box 20569, Columbus, OH 43220.

August 8-10, 1986 —The Pickaway Co. Sheriff Water Rescue & Recovery Team, sanctioned by National Underwater Rescue Recovery Institute, will conduct its annual UNDERWATER INVESTIGATIONS & FAST WATER RESCUE SEMINAR. Contact: Lt. Jim Fite, Pickaway Co. Sheriff Department, 121 W. Franklin Street, Circleville, OH 43113; telephone (614) 474-2176.

August 16-17,1986 – A TRAINING OFFICER WORKSHOP will be conducted by the Office of Fire Prevention and Control at the Academy of Fire Science in Montour Falls, NY. The course includes instruction in the development of fire department training programs, preparation of training evolutions, the use of visual aids and methods of instruction. The program objective is to improve the quality of instruction in local fire department programs.

August 16-17, 1986 —The Ulster County Sheriff’s Department is offering a two-day SMALL BOAT SAFETY AND RESCUE COURSE in Kingston, NY. For further information, contact: LifeGuard Systems at (212) 348-6790 or Detective Ron Dryser of the Ulster County Sheriff’s Department at (914) 338-3640.

Glenn Corbett and Paul Dansbach

Fire Safety in Old Theaters

In this Training Minutes video, Paul Dansbach and Glenn Corbett review fire safety and firefighting concerns in old-style theaters.