Bush visits rescue squad
As part of National Volunteer Week in April, President George Bush visited the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Rescue Squad Inc. in Bethesda, Maryland. He watched an equipment demonstration and took a tour of the station. According to Rescue Squad President George Giebel, Bush took great interest in operations and while inside an ambulance asked many questions about equipment and its use and about victims during transport.
During a speech to the members, President Bush said, “National Volunteer Week salutes what I call this nation’s ‘points of light’ — this vast galaxy of individuals and businesses, schools and churches and synagogues, unions and voluntary associations working together to solve problems. ‘Phis rescue squad really is a point of light. It is also a source of life.”
President Bush continued, “Many people don’t realize that fully 80 percent of America’s fire protection and emergency medical service is supplied by volunteers—an amazing total… volunteers who meet local emergencies, risking lives to save the lives of others, just as America’s firefighters have done for more than 200 years.
“We know that life, itself, means nothing without a cause larger than ourselves. Firefighting was such a cause when, in 1736, Ben Franklin founded one of the first volunteer companies. And so it is in 1990, with firefighters and F.MS personnel ttxiay one million strong. I salute you, as does your community. We respect and admire you for a job well done. Today, America is grateful for your special brand of skill and courage, the courage to put another’s life before one’s own.
“Let me close with a Bible verse that defines your lives: ‘Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.’ You and countless thousands of others like you around this great country serve strangers. You save lives…. And this really is the heartbeat of America and the true meaning of serving others.”
The rescue squad, now in its 5()th year, responds to more than 12,000 calls a year.
Department warns against phony phone solicitations
Chief Larry Holms, director of fire services for the Orange County (CA) Fire Department, urges residents of Orange County to beware of callers asking for donations in the name of the department. While the department does not engage in phone solicitations, certain organizations are using its name to solicit donations. The phone solicitors often are rude and abusive.
The problem escalates during the Christmas season, explains Captain Hank Raymond, public information officer for Orange County. The department is a cosponsor of Operation Santa Claus, which collects toys and donations for the local needy. However, members go to malls or rely on word-of-mouth for donations; they do not make phone calls.
These phony organizations hire phone banks to make the calls. “They saturate an area, calling people 15 to 20 times. Instead of asking you to mail in your check, they offer to pick it up, saying something like ‘We’re your local fire department,’ ” Raymond says. Much of the money they raise goes into their own pockets. He adds that phone banks are good at what they do —solicitors never leave their phone number but offer to call back instead. They’re also gone in a few weeks. “Even though some actual . phone solicitors do pick up donations, you still must make sure they’re legit,” he adds.
During the holiday season the department receives 40 to 50 calls a week from residents trying to verify that certain organizations or their events exist. Raymond says the key to handling phone solicitations is to ask questions, especially
- the full name of the organization,
- the purpose of the fund raising and who will benefit,
- proper identification if they come * to the door, and
- if you can receive a copy of a brochure or flyer describing the event.
“It is important for residents to write down exactly what the money is for so we can check the facts later,” Raymond adds. “It’s worth it for us to take the time to let people know that the fire service is legit. We don’t want to blemish the fire service’s reputation because of others’ greed. *
“We have to protect charitable organizations, let people know we care about them giving. We’re trying to protect them as well as ourselves,” Raymond concludes.