A rescue dog helped alert residents to a Franklin (TN) house fire on the Fourth of July, according to reports.
The fire in the Twin Oaks neighborhood was caused by consumer fireworks, according to Franklin Fire Marshal Andy King.
A press release from the city indicated that video evidence revealed the fire started on the exterior of the residence at 10:20 PM, approximately one hour after the homeowner disposed of a consumer firework next to his trash can and other combustibles.
Firefighters were dispatched to the home at 10:44 p.m. King said the fire burned through the exterior soffit and involved the attic above the attached garage, causing an estimated $50,000 in damage.
Jeff LeCates’ three-year old rescue dog, Roux, was barking “frantically and unusually” at his front door just before 10:45 p.m. When he opened the door to investigate, she went flying out. He followed and discovered his neighbor’s house was on fire. LeCates immediately pounded on their door, waking the family of three and their pets, who escaped unharmed.
Like many other departments around the nation, Franklin firefighters were kept busy on Independence Day with a number of calls, including a grass fire that was also caused by consumer fireworks.
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