Nonposted address numbers or numbers that are not clearly visible from the street pose problems for emergency responders. The city of Loma Linda, California, approached this problem by implementing a doorknob advisory program.
A cardboard notice—similar to that used in hotels to inform personnel when the room is available for housekeeping services —is affixed to residents’ doorknobs. On the front of the notice is the city’s seal and the message, “This is not a citation. But it could be….” The other side asks whether the resident knows that the house number is not plainly visible and legible from the street, cites the section of the Uniform Fire Code that requires the house number to be legible from the street, and explains that responders want to be able to find the structure in the event of an emergency, when seconds count. The resident then is invited to call the Department of Public Safety—the telephone number is given—with any questions and is thanked for helping.