Dr. Archer Honored in N.Y.

Dr. Archer Honored in N.Y.

The New York City Fire Department re_____amed its medical facility last December to honor the memory of Dr. Harry M. Archer, _____he only non-fire fighter to receive the city’s _____ighest decoration for. heroism, the James _____ordon Bennett Medal.

His service to the fire department spanned 1 years; responding to fires until age 86. He _____reated as many as 300 fire fighters and ci_____lians, and was on the scene at the Great Fire of Baltimore, the Triangle Shirt Waist Fire of 1911 and the Staten Island ferry terminal fire, among many other blazes. A New York City fireboat is also named after him.

Paul Dansbach and Glenn Corbett

Buildings That Front on Two Streets

Paul Dansbach and Glenn Corbett consider buildings that front on two streets, share basements, or might otherwise challenge firefighters.

Fire Burns Through PA Aerospace Supplier

A large fire broke out Monday night at SPS Technologies, an aerospace supplier in Abington Township.