BOSTON (WCVB) – Boston firefighters safely evacuated employees from heavy smoke at Fidelity Investments downtown headquarters Wednesday afternoon.
“This is a busy area of the city, and any time (you have) a building of this size, (you are) going to have some serious concerns,” said firefighter Marc Sanders, of the Boston Fire Department. “Fortunately, in this situation, everyone got out safely.”
Officials said the smoke alarm at 245 Summer St. was triggered at 12:14 p.m.
Upon arrival, firefighters found heavy smoke in the rear of the 12-story building and struck a second alarm to call for additional resources.
Response to 245 Summer St. Downtown at approx. 12:14 PM for a smoke alarm activation. Confirmed fire on arrival. This is a 12-story occupied commercial building. Heavy smoke condition in the rear of building. 2nd Alarm ordered. @bostonpolice on scene for traffic.
— Boston Fire Dept. (@BostonFire) December 19, 2018
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Building has been safely evacuated. No injuries reported by @BOSTON_EMS at this time. All companies working. @EversourceMA notified for a possible fire in a electrical vault.
— Boston Fire Dept. (@BostonFire) December 19, 2018
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Fire has been contained to an electrical vault in the basement. Smoke inside the building is being ventilated. Awaiting @EversourceMA to shut down power to the vault.
— Boston Fire Dept. (@BostonFire) December 19, 2018
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Crews from @EversourceMA on scene. 1 FF transported by @BOSTON_EMS with non-life threatening injuries. All floors clear.
— Boston Fire Dept. (@BostonFire) December 19, 2018
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Entry made into electrical vault & fire knocked down. Companies making up. Unspecified value on damages/utility owned equipment. Over 2,500 employees safely evacuated during this incident. @EversourceMA remaining on scene. @ISDBoston notified.
— Boston Fire Dept. (@BostonFire) December 19, 2018
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