Akron Brass Co.’s Ozzie™ Style 911 is a stand-alone portable oscillating monitor with a powerful, sweeping water stream. It can be used in haz-mat situations, to protect exposures, and for sustained stand-alone fire attack. It provides cooling and protection while keeping personnel at a safe distance.

Circle No. 10 on Reader Service Card


Lakeland Industries, Inc.’s Checkmate is a limited-use protective garment that meets OSH A Level B standards. Made of a six-ounce copolymer film composite, it provides chemical resistance as a splash-resistant garment. The six standard styles offered include a fully encapsulated suit with an oversize facepiece; a coverall with elasticized hood, attached boots, elastic wrists and/or ankles; and a two piece splash suit.

Grcie No. 11 on Reader Service Cord


Munson Manufacturing offers a 38-foot patrol vessel that can be used for rescue, lawenforcement. and firefighting. The HammerI head design and the use of inch 5086 aluminum Marine grade plate allows the hull to withstand high impacts. Available with twin 375 hp Cat 3208TA engines, twin 200gallon fuel tanks, and other features.


Circle No. 12 on Reader Service Cord


ACE Communications’ ARIOOOXC, is a 1 .OOOehannel hand-held receiver with continuous frequency coverage from 500KHz to 1300MHz. AM or narrow EM reception modes in addition to EM broadcast and TV audio modes are selectable at any frequency. 1.000 total scan memory channels can be programmed.

Circle No. 13 on Reader Service Card


National Draeger, Inc.’s mini Pac ND monitors are pocket-sized, nondisplay warning devices that will continuously detect H ,S, CO. SO, or NO,. Draeger’s patented threeelectrode design increases selectivity of the monitored gas. The units feature audible and visual alarms, with the option of using an earphone or an auxiliary alarm for high-noise environments.


Circle No. 14 on Reader Service Card


Dri-I)ek Corp.’s Hanger Mounting System is for use with its Dri-Dek Compartment Liner.

The hangers elip to the matting and stick to surfaces with double-sided tape. They allow Dri-Dek to be mounted vertically in compartments.

Circle No. IS on Reader Service Cord


Sierra l ire Equipment Co. offers the DR55N DuraFit” firefighting boot. It is designed with an air-cushioned heel, and has a full steel sole, shank, and toe It meets NFPA. OSHA, ( al-OSHA. and ANSI standards.

Circle No. it on Reader Service Card


MC Products, Inc.’s Rainbow Liquid Level Monitor features a continuous four-inch diameter 250° needle sweep readout and a 19light display. It features a corrosion-free nylon/PYC sensor, simple installation, and readouts for water or foam tanks of an gallonagc.

Circle No. 17 on Reader Service Card


A R Manufacturing offers a disposable shower for use in haz-mat environments. It is made of double-wrapped Poly with a Coroplast top and bottom. Its base is four x four feet and the shower is 81 inches high. It includes a shower head and an attachment that allows water diversion from the shower head to the six-foot flexible spray nozzleattachment.

Circle No. 18 on Reader Service Card


Superior Pneumatic and Manufacturing, Inc. offers the Model 80010 Heavy Duty Industrial Air Hammer. It includes two 11-inch long flat chisels, two six-inch short flat chisels, two seven-inch panel cutter chisels, 25 feet of air hose, an air regulator, carrying case, and a quick-change safety retainer. It is available for use with 2,000 psi and -*.500 psi air tanks.

Circle No. 19 on Reader Service Card


Paratech Inc.’s Vv’orkingAir Cylinders are lightweight and sturdy air tanks for supplying air-operated tools. They are made of high-density aluminum.

Circle No. 20 on Reader Service Card

Trailer Fire Metairie (LA)

Trailer Catches Fire, Explodes on I-10, Damaging Nearby Metairie (LA) Homes

A trailer carrying motorcycles and nitrous oxide cannisters caught fire on Interstate 10 and exploded Saturday, damaging two nearby Metairie homes and possibly a passing car, according to Jefferson Parish and…
San Jose House Fire Reignites

Home Fire in San Jose (CA) Reignites; Firefighters Respond Again

A fire in a San Jose home that firefighters reported as extinguished early Saturday morning reignited Saturday evening, forcing authorities to evacuate a nearby house…