TOWN OF EVANS NY — A two-vehicle accident around 6 a.m. on May 15, 2007, sent five persons to the hospital, but could have been much worse.
According to Town of Evans Police, a pick-up truck headed westbound on Route 5 collided with an SUV turning left into the parking lot across from New Era Cap Company. The collision spun the SUV around 180 degrees and sent the pick-up into a concrete barrier at the edge of the parking lot.
Several New Era employees were reportedly standing behind that barrier, waiting to cross busy Erie Road, when the accident occurred. There could have been more injuries had the concrete posts not prevented the truck from continuing into the bystanders. The pick-up truck sustained heavy front end damage, causing the driver’s side air bag to deploy.
Evans Center Chiefs Bruce Green Jr. and Tiger Schmittendorf arrived and established command and operations respectively. Evans Center’s Engine 1 was requested in the event their Jaws-of-Life were needed. Their Crew of Chauffer Dennis Allen, Lt. Jim Kleese and Firefighters Adam Bitnun, Mike Krajacic and Kevin Snyder assisted the EMS crews in removing and stabilizing four patients from the two vehicles.
Chief Green requested an additional rescue truck from the Highland Hose Volunteer Fire Company along with an ambulance from the Angola Volunteer Fire Department and additional paramedic units from Rural Metro Medical Services.
The driver and passenger of the SUV were extricated first and transported to South Buffalo Mercy Hospital by Rural Metro Paramedic Unit 546. The two occupants of the pick-up truck were transported to the Erie County Medical Center by ambulances from Angola and Rural Metro Unit 523.
Two of the bystanders were quite shook up by the accident as they had to flee the oncoming vehicles near the intersection. One requested transportation to Lake Shore Hospital by Rural Metro Paramedic Unit 532 and the second was evaluated by Rural Metro Unit 591. She declined treatment and transportation.
All five patients were transported with non-life threatening injuries to the respective hospitals. Evans Center was assisted at the scene by fire police from Evans Center and Highland, Evans Police, Angola Fire Control Dispatch Center, Pinto’s Towing and Hauling Freight Lines Towing and Recovery.
If you or anyone you know is interested in volunteering, please contact the fire department at 549-1221 or or visit their web site: to download a prospective member guide.
The fire department’s recruitment motto is “Firefighting isn’t for everyone, but volunteering can be…” and offers flexible memberships for Fire/Rescue, EMS Only, Fire Police, Fire Explorers, Ladies Auxiliary and FireCorps members who perform non-emergency administrative and support functions for this busy emergency services agency.