FASNY Announces Moyers Corners Fire Department Explorer Post 209 as NYS Youth Group of the Year

The Firemen’s Association of the State of New York (FASNY) today announced the selection of Moyers Corners Explorer Post 209 as the 2015 Youth Group of the Year – a recognition presented to a youth fire organization that exemplifies commitment to its volunteer fire department and community.

FASNY President Robert McConville, local fire officials, friends and family will be on hand tomorrow night for a recognition ceremony at Moyers Corners Fire Department Headquarters in Liverpool.  The Explorers will receive a plaque as well as individual pins recognizing their achievement.

“The Explorer Post is a key element to the volunteer fire service and a critical step in the development of a successful firefighter,” said FASNY President Robert McConville.   “Moyers Corners Explorer Post 209 is not only providing its members the tools to become great firefighters, but also valued members of the community.  Through innovative training as well as a robust community service program, Moyers Corners provides a valuable service to their neighbors.  This is a well-deserved recognition for their efforts.”

Explorer Post 209 was formed in 1967 – making it one of the oldest programs in Onondaga County. The nearly 20 active Explorers are involved in almost every aspect of the Fire Department. They attend drills and train alongside volunteer firefighters and are extremely engaged the Department’s community service activities.

They often put on apparatus and equipment demonstrations for local children, take part in the annual Santa Claus detail – where they walk side by side with St. Nick as he visits hundreds of local families.  In addition the Explorers organize and conduct the annual children’s holiday party.

One of the most important programs that the Post takes part in is the Annual Mock DWI Demonstration at Liverpool High School. This important event takes place in front of nearly 600 high school students and simulates the dangers of Driving While Intoxicated.  The Explorers, many of who attend the High School assist with apparatus, take photos and video, and even serve as patients for MCFD in the demonstration. By taking part in this event, the Explorer Post helps spread the word about the dangers of driving while intoxicated to their friends and neighbors.

In his recommendation letter to FASNY, Moyers Corners Fire Department Deputy Chief Stephen P. Zaferakis stated that Explorer Post 209 “Is organized, dedicated and committed to the journey that is volunteer firefighting.”  And that “They understand that training is essential and the most important part of volunteer firefighting. However, they never lose sight of the other important part, the people we serve.”

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