FDNY Discrimination Lawsuit Settled

After seven years of legal wrangling, New York City settled a discrimination lawsuit against the fire department late Monday. The settlement means an upcoming court trial won’t happen.

The New York Daily News reported (http://nydn.us/1iZsMgu) that the Vulcan Society of black firefighters, which took the city to court over alleged institutional bias against minority Fire Department of New York (FDNY) applicants, declined to provide additional details about the settlement before a press conference today.

The original discrimination suit was brought by the Justice Department in 2007, when the FDNY was roughly 90-percent white.

In 2011, Brooklyn Federal Judge Nicholas Garaufis ruled the FDNY intentionally discriminated against minorities through its written test for firefighter applicants, and demanded a new test be created. An appeals court later tossed Garaufis’s decision.

Read more at http://nydn.us/1iZsMgu.


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