FDNY Probies Contract MRSA at Academy

Several probationary firefighters contracted methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections at the Fire Department of New York (FDNY) training academy on Randall’s Island, according to a new report.

MRSA in the Firehouse: Are You Safe?

DNAinfo reports (http://dnain.fo/1lUv64T) that at least one of the probies from the current had to be hospitalized due to the infection, but that student has since been released. The FDNY placed some other students on medical leave as a precaution.

In the wake of the infections equipment was cleaned, but the academy was not shut down. The FDNY also took other aggressive measures to prevent further infections, according to the report.

Read more about this case at http://dnain.fo/1lUv64T.


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