FDSOA Apparatus Symposium Adds Ambulance Track

The Fire Department Safety Officers Association’s (FDSOA) announced the 23rd Annual Apparatus Specification & Maintenance Symposium, January 23-26, 2011, in Orlando, Florida, will include a newly developed Ambulance Track as part of the afternoon sessions.

Six one-hour segments will range from ambulance chassis selection and ambulance lighting, to interior layout of medical equipment and decon systems. The six ambulance sessions brings the total to 40 programs offered at the 2011 Apparatus Symposium.

According to Executive Director Mary McCormack the addition of the ambulance track is in response to the new NFPA ambulance standard currently under development, as well as the significant increase in emergency medical service (EMS) calls.

“Over eighty percent of 9-1-1 calls are related to emergency medical services,” said McCormack. “With a new ambulance standard underway, it’s time the Apparatus Symposium include an ambulance track. Just like the rest of our program, we have strong, experienced instructors for the new ambulance track.”

Tight economic budgets will also be covered in the Apparatus Symposium with three new programs. McCormack said, “Jim Faulkner will talk about determining when to retire versus extending the life of an apparatus, cryogenics to extend components and a program on a successful ambulance remount program that saved one fire department over $1.2 million.”

“Fire chiefs are working hard to find ways to extend their apparatus budgets, but not compromise the safety of personnel or communities,” McCormack said.”FDSOA is committed to being a resource for safe design and operation of emergency vehicles.

Among the other popular speakers include Attorney Jim Juneau; Bill Peters, (ret. Chief) Jersey City; Roger Lackore, Pierce Mfg.; Steve Toren, Waterous; and John Lund, FoamPro.

The 23rd annual Apparatus Specification & Maintenance Symposium will be held January 23-26, 2011, at the Rosen Hotel, Orlando, Florida. Information and registration can be found at www.fdsoa.org or by calling 508.881.3114.

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