In Case You Missed It: February 2015 Fire Engineering Features

Much is made of the impact of door control on fire dynamics during fire suppression operations, however its just as critical to the survival of civilians before firefighters arrive. This month, Mike Alt created a brochure that you can use to inform your citizens about the importance of keeping the door closed.

That’s just one of our Web-only features that ran in February. Check out more of our Web exclusives at


Take Time to STRETCH

Before you take over the world, take time to “STRETCH” and remember what it was that you wanted from your training officer, writes Brian Zaitz. 



Survivability and Science

Hosts Frank Ricci and P.J. Norwood along with Fire Engineering Editor in Chief Bobby Halton talk to Stephen Marsar of the FDNY.



Construction Concerns: Fire Extinguisher Installation

In his new Construction Concerns, Gregory Havel discusses NFPA 10 and the placement of and specifications for fire extinguishers in residential and commercial structures.  


Drills: Are You Smarter Than a Rookie?      

Drills: Are You Smarter Than a Rookie?

This series of training drills from Forest Reeder pits veteran firefighters against new recruits, forcing them to test their knowledge about common firefighting concerns in their departments.



Close the Door: Small Towns, Big Impact

Many paid and volunteer firefighters go their entire careers without ever pulling a victim out of a structure. Sharing this information is just as heroic as pulling that citizen out, writes Michael Alt.




Avoiding Hot Water

Ray McCormack addresses the idea of firefighters getting too close to the fire before applying water.



Humpday Hangout: Risk Reduction      

Humpday Hangout: Risk Reduction

Bobby Halton and Erich Roden join host Rick Lasky to talk with guests Becki White, Jim Crawford, and Brian Zaitz and community integrated risk reduction.


50 Shades of Blush      

50 Shades of Blush

Now you’ve seen everything…a new one from Paul Combs of Drawn By Fire on the ‪so-called “50 Shades” effect.

What Would You Do? Cold Storage Facility Fire      

What Would You Do? Cold Storage Facility Fire

This fire occurs in a cold storage facility made of concrete construction. Check out a new training simulation from Skip Coleman.


Yes, Your Engine Carries Ground Ladders!

Pittsburgh (PA) Bureau of Fire Lieutenant Dan Doyle offers fellow firefighters this Traditions Training drill to remind them the importance on the use and positioning of their ground ladders.



Focus on the Fireground: VEIS

Hosts Bill Gustin and Mike Dugan talk to Dan Shaw, Clark Lampling, Jason Hoevelmann, Erich Roden, and Bobby Halton.


SCBA: The Air Management Conundrum      

SCBA: The Air Management Conundrum

Michael A. Clark discusses the importance of SCBA training and a method he implemented to help ensure firefighters aren’t running low on air during structure fires.

Humpday Hangout: Training      

Humpday Hangout: Training

Host Steve Pegram talks to Brad French, Devon Wells, Nick Martin, and Bobby Halton about determining training priorities for the new year, RIT and Mayday training, and much more.



The Community “Fingerprint”

Whatever you plan, always consider your community’s “fingerprint,” and identify how these factors impact the development or outcome goals of your plans, writes Mark Wallace.


Occupied Storefront      

What Would You Do? Occupied Storefront

This fire occurs in a three-story storefront. It has many apartments on the upper two floors. Skip Coleman offers a new fire training scenario.


Paul Combs: Loyalty      

More Than Just Words

Fire Engineering Editorial Cartoonist Paul Combs has a new cartoon about loyalty in the fire service.

Trailer Fire Metairie (LA)

Trailer Catches Fire, Explodes on I-10, Damaging Nearby Metairie (LA) Homes

A trailer carrying motorcycles and nitrous oxide cannisters caught fire on Interstate 10 and exploded Saturday, damaging two nearby Metairie homes and possibly a passing car, according to Jefferson Parish and…
San Jose House Fire Reignites

Home Fire in San Jose (CA) Reignites; Firefighters Respond Again

A fire in a San Jose home that firefighters reported as extinguished early Saturday morning reignited Saturday evening, forcing authorities to evacuate a nearby house…