Lisa Graff is a leader in the Hazus user community and an active member of the Central Hazus User Group (CHUG). She is leading a team of GIS Specialists developing Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps (DFIRMs) and other Hazus map products for the Federal EMergency Management Agency (FEMA) Risk MAP program. Ms. Graff is a Certified Floodplain Manager and has received Hazus Trained Professional and Practitioner credentials.
Ms. Graff has performed Hazus Level 2 flood analyses for Local Hazard Mitigation Plans covering Henderson, Hancock, Mercer, and Pike counties in Illinois. Ms. Graff is also an active Hazus presenter. She shares her work with University of Illinois students, presenting her knowledge of Hazus and its capabilities in mitigation planning. Ms. Graff and her team have also collaborated with students to locate local data and incorporate it into the analysis of critical facilities using Hazus. Ms. Graff believes the critical facility data secured by the students will be a great starting point in the recently funded Grundy County, Illinois mitigation planning initiative.
For more information on Lisa Graff’s great work visit