

SKILLS FOR SAVING LIVES ACT Foundation, Basking Ridge, N.J. 07920; color, 50 minutes divided into 5 modules; video, $155; 16mm, $380.

How to administer CPR in a variety of circumstances is the subject of this film. It describes how CPR should be performed when alone, and with two rescuers, and clearing obstructed infant and adult airways. Clearing airways of obese and pregnant victims is also covered.

GET OUT ALIVE!, The Hartford Insurance Group, Hartford, Conn., color. Available from Hartford agents as a public service.

Surviving a high-rise hotel fire is discussed in this film, which is suitable for showing at public education functions. The movie advises travelers what to do should there be a fire in their hotel. It makes standard recommendations for survival, such as remaining calm, learning where fire exits are, protecting oneself against deadly smoke and keeping floors and walls wet to hold fire back. One unique recommendation made is advising travelers to carry duct tape in suitcases to seal off cracks in doors and windows, and to seal up ventilation grills from smoke.

CA Fire Department Pilot-Testing Drone Response to ‘Unknown Type’ Fire Calls

The San Bernardino County Fire Protection District has launched a pilot program making drones the first responders for "unknown type fire" calls.
Mike Dugan and company talking building constructon and disasters

Humpday Hangout: Building Codes and Disasters

Mike Dugan and the panel regulars will talk with their guests about building codes and how proper building construction can mitigate the damage from natural…