

BASIC SEARCH AND RESCUE, Courter Media Films, 121 N. W. Crystal St., Crystal River, Fla. 32629. Color, 20 minutes, rental, $45; purchase, $335.

Through use of actual rescue operation footage, this film shows the importance of pre-fire planning and the need to size-up for search and rescue before proceeding.

Also demonstrated are station drills, establishing search patterns, searching cautions, marking searched rooms, reporting fire extension, victim removal and what to do when egress is cut off.

STRUCTURAL FIRE ATTACK, Courter Media Fire Films; color, 21 minutes; purchase, $335; rental, $45.

Using the vantage point of the nozzleman’s shoulder, this film demonstrates fire spread theory, fire extension in structures, techniques for confining and extinguishing fires and structural pre-fire planning.

Also included is footage of an actual backdraft condition being ventilated, as well as priorities on the fireground, and the importance of live fire training.

HAZARDOUS MATERIALS—EMERGENCY RESPONSE, Courter Media Fire Films; color, 30 minutes; purchase $425; rental, $55.

Film and television coverage of 15 actual incidents involving hazardous materials are used to illustrate this film. It highlights the importance of knowing the scope of hazardous materials, recognizing dangerous cargos, chemical identification, deciding when to advance or withdraw, and size-up, as well as the command, control and termination of incidents.

BREATHING APPARATUS—WHY?, Courter Media Fire Films; color, 20 minutes; purchase, $335; rental, $45.

Breathing apparatus and why it is vital to the fire fighter is explained in this film. The viewer is familiarized with the components of breathing apparatus and shown hands-on, live-smoke training.

Also emphasized is the importance of training the fire fighter to wear breathing apparatus in buildings.

Rick Lasky, Scott Thompson, Curtis Birt, and John Salka

Humpday Hangout: The Right Firehouse Attitude

In this Humpday Hangout, Rick Lasky and the rest of the crew talk putting the firefighter back in the firefighter and the firehouse back in…
WTH health program

Senators Decry Cuts to World Trade Center Health Program

U.S. Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand issued a joint letter demanding that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. reverse cuts that impacted the World Trade Center…