Fire Department to “Hear” From The Deaf
The deaf or speech impaired residents of Anaheim, Calif., will now be able to communicate with fire department dispatchers through the use of a portable teleprinter.
Using the device, deaf residents can be connected to the Krown Research Porta Printer II which will relay printed teletyped messages to fire dispatchers. The dispatchers can respond with similar typed acknowledgements.
According to Captain Earl Stokes, who suggested the 24-hour service to fire officials, “These marvelous communication units can be leased by deaf persons from the phone company for only $14 per month. They are completely portable and can be operated from any location where there is a phone, such as a motel room, or even a coin-operated telephone booth,”
The department is leasing the device and through their direct line to police headquarters, deaf callers can also relay messages for police assistance.