Cassidian Communications Recognizes Dispatcher of the Month Award

Cassidian Communications, an EADS North America company, is pleased to recognize Junior Lolly from Liberty County, Fla., 9-1-1 Communications Center, as the Cassidian Communications Dispatcher of the Month.

“One of the reasons Liberty County 9-1-1 is unique is the fact that its lead call taker has been on the job since 1980 and has been blind since the age of 12. Today, Lolly processes more than 300 emergency and administrative calls a day, which is more than three times the amount he processed in his earlier days at the center.” said Brandon Hoquist, product line manager, Cassidian Communications.

As technology advances entered the 9-1-1 center, Lolly’s job became more complicated as additional programs and monitors were introduced. Today, Lolly uses new technology designed to assist the visually impaired.

“He never sends a responder to the wrong place and can tell someone where to turn by landmarks,” said Stephen Ford, 9-1-1 coordinator, Liberty County 9-1-1 Communications Center. “He has only asked me where an address is located three or four times since I have worked with him. He does a better job than any sighted call takers I know.”

A renowned professional, Lolly says that no single call stands out among the thousands he has taken–from natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes and lightening storms, to emergencies related to house fires, grave injuries and serious accidents.

“I’m not in this for the money,” Lolly states. “This is not a job where you get rich. I do it to help people and to be there for the community. It’s a calling. It’s a desire I was born with.”

The Liberty County 9-1-1 Center recently completed testing of the latest version of the Sentinel® Patriot® call processing solution, release 3.2. Built to support up to 100 call taking positions, the Sentinel Patriot 3.2 solution is designed to handle up to two million calls per year, is fault tolerant with no single point of failure and delivers scalable, redundant, remote survivable systems with ultra-high reliability. This feature rich solution provides call centers such as Liberty County with a clear path to next generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) services as they become available industry-wide.

Hoquist continued, “Cassidian Communications recognizes usability as one of the utmost needs for accurate and efficient operations in the call center and is a key differentiator when comparing our products to those of other solution providers.”

Liberty County 9-1-1 has been a Cassidian Communications customer since 2005 and currently is operating the latest Sentinel Patriot solution on its three call taking positions. The 9-1-1 center is responsible for taking emergency and administrative calls for services from the approximately 8,000 county residents. The center also is responsible for dispatching calls for all law enforcement, emergency medical services and fire response for the county.

The Sentinel Patriot solution supports single- and multiple-site 9-1-1 centers as well as geographically diverse, centralized and hosted solutions. The solution is NENA-compliant and is an IETF standards-based IP-centric call management suite designed to handle all calls seamlessly from a single switch.

Cassidian Communications continues to serve clients ranging from public safety operations to Fortune 1000 corporations to federal agencies. Collectively, the company has more than 40 years of experience deploying 9-1-1 call processing solutions, notification solutions and first responder digital trunked radio networks.

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