Park 80 West, Plaza Two, 7th Floor Saddle Brook, NJ 07662 Tel. (201) 845-0800, Fax (201) 845-6275
Editor William A. Manning
Managing Editor Diane Feldman
Assistant Editor Mary Jane Dittmar
Senior Editorial Assistant John J. Napolitano
Technical Director Thomas F. Brennan
Editorial Advisory Board
Jack Bennett
Francis L. Brannigan
Rand-Scott Coggan
Glenn P. Corbett
Ricky Davidson
Ray Downey
Vincent Dunn
Frank L. Fire
Gerald L Grey
Walt Hendrick
Francis X. Holt
Charles G. King
Richard A. Marinucci
John Mittendorf
John B. Sachen
Ed Spall n
Columnists/Contributing Editors
Francis L Brannigan
Thomas F. Brennan
Gene P. Carlson
Glenn P. Corbett
Ray Downey
Harvey Eisner
Frank L. Fire
David P. Fornell
John M. Malecky
Richard A. Marinucci
Peter G. Sparber
Curt Weldon
Publisher Henry H. Dinneen
Director of Book Publishing Daniel G. Smith
Production Manager Mike Paxton, Tulsa
Advertising Coordinator Audrey L. Dombrowski
Feature Design Steve Hetzel
Circulation Manager Larry Lofton
Manager Paid Circulation Patsy Russo
P.O. Box 1260 • Tulsa, OK 74101 • (918) 835-3161
Chairman Philip C. Lauinger, Jr
President Joseph A. Wolking
Senior Group Vice President Joseph T. Bessette
SUBSCRIPTIONS: All subscription correspondence should be addressed to Fire Engineering, P.O. Box 1289, Tulsa, OK 74101, or call 1 (800) 752-9768. Allow 30 days for change of address. Please include both old and new addresses, and enclose, if possible, an address label from a recent issue. Rates for U.S. and possessions. 1 yr. S21.95, 2 yr. $35.95,3 yr. S19-95. Canada and other countries: 1 vr. $34.50, 2 vr. $59 50. 3 vr. $78.50. Single copy U.S. $3 50, other countries $7.00.
FIRE ENGINEERING (ISSN 0015-2587), is published monthly by PennWeli Publishing Co., 1421 S. Sheridan. Tulsa, OK 74112. May 1991, Volume 144, Number 5. Second-class postage paid at Tulsa and additional mailing offices. Executive, editorial, and advertising offices at Park 80 West, Plaza Two, 7th Floor, Saddle Brook, NJ 07662 ‘“Copyright 1991 by PennWeli Publishing Co. All rights reserved. Material may not he reproduced in any form without written permission of the publisher. Fire Engineering is a registered trademark. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Fire Engineering. P.O. Box 1289. Tulsa, OK 74101