Park 80 West, Plaza Two, 7th Floor
Saddle Brook, NJ 07663
Tel. (201) 845-0800, Fax (201) 845-6275
Publisher Henry H. Dinneen
Editor William A. Manning
Managing Editor Diane Feldman
Associate Editor Mary Jane Dittmar
Technical Editors Thomas F. Brennan, Glenn P. Corbett
Editorial Advisors and Contributing Editors
Francis L. Brannigan
Ken Brennan
Alan V. Brunacini
John M. Buckman
Gene P. Carlson
John N. Can-
Mark Chubb
Walter A. Damon
Ray Downey
C. Bruce Edwards
Frank L. Fire
Zachary Goldfarb
William Goldfeder
Gerald L. Grey
Bill Gustin
Francis X. Holt
Steven Kuhr
John M. Malecky
Richard A. Marinucci
John Mittendorf
Jack J. Murphy, Jr.
Gregory G. Noll
John P. O’Connell
Leslie P. Omans
Denis G. Onieal, Ed.D.
William C. Peters
Bob Pressler
John B. Sachen
Thomas D. Schneid
Craig H. Shelley
William J. Shouldis
Philip Silensky
Peter Sparber
Thomas G. Thorpe
Peter S. Valias
Carl F. Welser
Director of Book Publishing Joanne Ezersky
Production Manager Mike Paxton, Tulsa
Advertising Coordinator Audrey L. Dombrowski
Illustrator Steve Hetzel
Layout and Design David Derr
Subscriber Service 1 -800-582-6949, Fax (918) 832-9295
P.O. Box 1260 • Tulsa. OK 74101 • (918) 835-3161
Chairman Frank T. Lauinger
President Joseph A. Wolking
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