From the Publishers Desk
Fire Engineering’s Mailing Labels
We often speak of the readers who save each issue of Fire Engineering for years and years.
But there is another group which saves Fire Engineering front covers. Seems that they like to frame these covers for hanging in their offices or dens.
The latter group has been grumbling for quite a while now, a legitimate grumble we might add, about the mailing label that is pasted on the front cover. The placement of this label, we always hasten to explain, was not our doing. It was spelled out in U.S. Post Office regulations and was required for all magazines using the mails.
We are pleased to announce, however, that relief is now at hand. Beginning with the March issue we will have a new kind of label. It will still be in the same place, but the subscriber’s address will be printed on a pressure sensitive tape that is easily peeled off, without marring our usual fire scene.
An added benefit is that the tape can easily be transposed to Fire Engineering’s reader service card, neatly fitting on the upper left hand corner. This transfer will save the user time, and will greatly facilitate the handling of inquiries. Please use it.
Another piece of important news that we wish to pass on is that the annual Fire Department Instructors Conference (the 53rd) will be held in Memphis, March 24-27. This annual conference is, of course, a fire service tradition, and one that should not be missed by any serious minded fire service instructor, fire fighter, or chief for that matter. Not only are the technical sessions of high caliber, but the conference provides an opportunity for jaw-boning among the attendees from all sections of the country.
The conference, which was formerly sponsored by the Insurance Services Office, will be sponsored this year and from now on by the International Society of Fire Service Instructors.
Both our editors will be there, of course, and if you have anything new or interesting to give to the fire service, why not let them know.