Fire Equipment Digest

Fire Equipment Digest

Medical Supply Box

Flambeau-Vlchek Corp. has introduced a heavy-duty lightweight box with tray supports and compartments for medical supplies. The box, with dimensions of 19 x 10-¾ x 10-⅛ inches, has a padlock tab. Lexon latches prevent the box from opening unexpectedly.

Circle No. 1 on Reader Service Card


Streamlight, Inc. has introduced the Stream Lite 1 Million, a hand held search light that produces a beam of one million candle power. A 12-foot power cord is available for operation from the electrical system of a 12 volt automobile. A rechargeable power pack provides portability.

The SL-15, a rechargeable flashlight with a black or orange case, is also available from Streamlight, Inc. The 15,000 candle power flashlight fits into a turnout coat pocket, and weighs one pound with batteries.

Circle No. 3 on Reader Service Card

Safety Banner

The Lifesaver emergency banner, an alternative to flares, which can be used as a warning or directional device at fires, floods, and hurricanes or during evacuations of areas is now available from Lifesaver Industries, Inc. The banner can be attached to buildings or vehicles.

Made of space-age Dupont Tyvek material—virtually tearproof—the 36 x 40-inch waterproof banner has highly-visible orange directional arrows outlined in bright silver reflecting Flectolite.

Circle No. 10 on Reader Service Card

Private Jets Collide at AZ Killing One Person

One person was killed and others were injured when a private jet owned by Mötley Crüe singer Vince Neil collided with another jet Monday afternoon…

Two Firefighters Injured in Flint Township (MI) Commercial Building Fire

Two firefighters were injured while responding to a fire Sunday night, Feb. 9, in the 3000 block of Flushing Road.