Check out a few of the Web-only articles you may have missed from Fire Engineering in month of March.
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Having an All-Hazard Training Plan: Assessing Your AssignmentThese days, the fire service is required to do much more than merely fight fires. Are you taking an “all-hazards” approach to your training and preparation? Bill Shouldis discusses how to approach such an assignment. |
Quit Wasting Time on Your Devices and Learn Something Useful!These days, just about every firefighter has a device that is Internet equipped. Make the most of it and use some of your down time to stay current with the latest trends in EMS, writes Michael Morse. |
What Would You Do? Vacant Commercial StructureThis fire occurs in vacant commercial building near downtown. It occurs at 8:30 p.m. on a Wednesday. What type of initial fire attack strategy would you use? Check out a new video simulation from Skip Coleman. |
Humpday Hangout: Fire Science and TacticsThe Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Firefighter Safety Research Institute (FSRI) team–Steve Kerber, Dan Madrzykowski, and Robin Zevotek–will discuss the UL Fire Attack Experiments that took place throughout March. Joining in on the discussion will be Chief Bobby Halton of Fire Engineering. |
Miami-Dade (FL) Fire Rescue’s Air Rescue and Fire Boat Crews Rescue Diver in DistressMiami-Dade (FL) Fire Rescue’s Air Rescue and Fire Boat responded to a report of unconscious victim on a sailboat approximately 11 miles off shore of Miami. |
Training Minutes: Floor Joist StabilizationIn this Training Minutes video, Joe Alvarez and company review stabilizing a floor joist using a strut to prevent collapse. |
Construction Concerns: Welded ConnectionsFor his new Construction Concerns, Gregory Havel looks at how welding in steel construction can affect a fire crew’s tactics. |
The Fire Officer’s Guide to the Tough Community Questions, Part 6Mark Wallace asks, “What are you going to do when a firefighter tests positive for marijuana in a world of legal, recreation, and medical marijuana use?” |
Throw Back to Basics: High Shoulder CarryMake sure your company is proficient in ground ladder use by going to the training grounds and throwing a few ladders. Brian Zaitz shares a method for transporting a ground ladder in this training bulletin. |
What Would You Do? Vacant StorefrontThe fire occurs in vacant storefront building near downtown. It occurs at 8:45 am. on a Wednesday. What type of initial fire attack strategy would you use? Check out a new simulation from Skip Coleman. |
Humpday Hangout: Firefighter Health and Safety with Norwood and RicciIn this week’s Humpday Hangout, hosts Frank Ricci and P.J. Norwood will be talking with ISFSI President Goshen (OH) Fire Chief Steve Pegram, who is one of the keynoters for FDIC International 2016. They’ll also talk EMS with Lenny Guercia, Chief Operating Office of Ambulance Protection Systems, LLC. |
The Big ThreeDavid DeStefano has three major considerations firefighters must keep in mind when operating on the interior. |
Training Minutes: Moving Portable LaddersIn this new Training Minutes video, Mike Ciampo and company demonstrate a method for rapidly deploying portable ladders on the roof by placing them in the tower ladder bucket. |
Water Mist Systems: the Future of Fire Protection TechnologyWhen considering the overall use and diversity of water mist systems such as effectiveness, cost, training, testing, and application, it has a chance to be the future of fire protection, writes Jacob McAfee. |
Drill: “Grab the Green”Samuel Hittle offers this new drill which hopes to prevent you from grabbing the wrong section of the ladder when removing it from the truck. |
FDIC Countdown: ‘At Play and at Fire…’How do we treat later-arriving companies at fire scenes, and how do we communicate on the fireground? Bobby Halton reviews the upcoming show and takes a look at another piece of advice from George Washington when it comes to good manners: “At play and at fire, it is good manners to give place to the last comer and effect not to speak louder than ordinary.” |
Throw Back to Basics: Roadway SafetyWe often take it for granted as being a normal operation, but annually, numerous firefighters are hurt and killed because of roadway accidents, many of which could have been prevented, writes Brian Zaitz. |
Big Fire, Big Water; Little Fire, Little WaterProfessional firefighters fight fires efficiently and effectively. Michael DeStefano says it’s time to train on using the appropriate amount of water for extinguishment to ensure the fire service meets its goal of property conservation. |
Humpday Hangout: Focus on Fire Service Issues and ConcernsIn this week’s Humpday Hangout, Rick Lasky and Terry McGrath will be joined by Lewisville (TX) Firefighter Andy Allison, who suffered an electric shock while fighting a residential fire. Andy medically retired because of his injuries. He will discuss his progress, struggles, and life. |
Know Your Gear: Fire BootsWhat are some of the factors firefighters must consider when obtaining structural firefighting footwear? Alex Langbell on the boot selection process. |
Report Released on Scottish (UK) Firefighter LODDThe Scottish (UK) Fire and Rescue Service recently released a line-of-duty death report that detailed findings from an investigation into the 2009 Balmoral Bar Incident in Edinburgh, which claimed the life of Firefighter Ewan Williamson. |
Training Minutes: Victim Trapped Under Rail CarIn this new Training Minutes video from the Guardian Centers, David Rhodes, Scott Brantley, and company discuss a method for removing and transporting a patient trapped beneath a rail car. Sponsored by TecGen. |
The 1898 Philly Fire Behind the Stolen PlaqueHere’s a brief item about the 1898 Philadephia fire the memorial plaque of which was discovered missing recently |
Construction Concerns: Connecting Cross-Laminated TimberGreg Havel on the use of cross-laminated timber (CLT) and the concerns firefighters will face in these structures. |
In the Demo Lab: Teaching Basic Hazmat ConceptsDave Donohue offers this look into several effective demonstrations that can be conducted by and for firefighters that show the behavior of common hazmats they may encounter on the fireground. |
FDIC Countdown: Uniforms MatterBobby Halton continues the countdown to FDIC International 2016 and discusses another tip from George Washington on firefighters and how they should appear to their public. |
May Their Sacrifices Not Be in Vain: Boston (MA) LODDs Case StudyJoe Pronesti has a review of the 2014 fire that killed Boston Lt. Edward Walsh and Firefighter Michael Kennedy. |
Throw Back to Basics: Know Your NozzleThe nozzle is the backbone tool of the fire service and, like anything else, it is imperative that you know your tools, inspect them, clean them, and use them for what they were designed to do, writes Brian Zaitz. |
‘Nearly Every Company Suffered’: Firefighters Perish in 1941 Roof CollapseSeventy-five years ago today, 13 Brockton (MA) firefighters perished when a snow-laden roof collapsed. |
Firefighter Gear: Is Your Helmet Any Good?Your helmet is the most iconic piece of your firefighter gear. Jordan Ponder has some insights on how to keep the part of you your helmet protects–your head–in proper alignment. |
Humpday Hangout: High-Rise FiresThe discussion on high-rise fires continues in this week’s Humpday Hangout. Join Mike Dugan, Bill Gustin, and their panel of specialists as they discuss aspects and procedures of fighting high-rise fires. |
Training Minutes: Lowering a Firefighter from a WindowIn this Training Minutes video, Frank Lipski of Engine House Training LCC and company demonstrate two options for lowering a firefighter from a window–one using a carabiner, the other using your bailout hook. |
Preincident Intelligence of Educational FacilitiesEducational facilities present the fire service many hazards and concerns which must be identified. Countermeasures must be studied, practiced, and coordinated, writes Eric G. Bachman. |
FDIC Countdown: Bobby Halton and Rules of CivilityBobby Halton looks at what’s coming up at FDIC International 2016 and shares some more advice from George Washington on decency and civility. |
C.O.R.E. Skill DrillsSome of the highlights of this week’s training include staging for law enforcement and identifying a specific feature of building construction in your response area. |
Avoid Fire Department-Induced ChaosRoger Lunt has 24 tips on how to eliminate chaos in your fireground operations. |
Patient Care Approach to ExtricationCharlie Kemp shares a simple evaluation method for improving patient care and outcomes at motor vehicle extrication incidents. |
Throw Back to Basics: Bailout AnchoringBrian Zaitz looks at the bailout system, a firefighter’s best chance of escape when trapped by a fire well above the ground. |
Humpday Hangout: Live-Fire Training – Benefits, Limitations, PossibilitiesIn this week’s Humpday Hangout, hosts Brad French and Aaron Heller cover the history of National Fire Protection Association NFPA 1403, Standard on Live Fire Evolutions, from an instructor perspective. |
Training Minutes: Securing Garage DoorsIn this Training Minutes video, Joe Alvarez and company demonstrate several methods for preventing a garage door from rolling down on firefighters operating inside a structure. |