Any building-industrial plant or government facility-that creates a tremendous fire hazard in its work and relies on an outside organization for fire protection should establish an emergency liaison officer (ELO). The ELO functions as a link between the facility and the fire department and maintains a close working relationship with the fire department. Responsibilities include prefire planning for the facility, establishing contact with the fire department in any emergency, informing the fire department about the facility and any specific hazards, and informing facility managers about any of the fire department’s needs. This position is different from that of the fire chief of the plant’s fire department.

Every facility that might present special fire problems should establish an ELO, either by hiring additional personnel or assigning an employee the additional duties. Although it may be difficult to staff this position around the clock, arrange for someone to be on duty at all times who is knowledgeable of the fire plan and the correct procedures in an emergency.

It is vital that the management of a high-rise building work with the local fire department to prepare for emergencies. Such buildings should designate a fire protection manager (FPM), who will report to the command post of the fireground commander. Eire units should be trained that the FPM must be accessible at all times during an emergency since he will be an important resource to the incident commander. He should not be asked, for example, to leave his post to open doors with a pass key.

The ELO should designate guard forces to report all fires, suspected fires, gas leaks, or activated fire alarms to the fire department. The guards should never investigate the floor from which a fire alarm has been received. This is often done to prevent a false alarm, but it could be dangerous, even deadly.


Adequate water supply to deal with serious fire problems is considered a public service, since this water demand exceeds normal customer use. Providing adequate water flow for fire service use is costly because of the much larger mains required, but this service must be available at all times regardless of the frequency of use.

If the fire department determines the water supply to be inadequate in a particular area, it should obtain apparatus and large-diameter hose to supply adequate water from distant points. Preplan the supply locations and possible spots for manifolds. If not dispatched on the first alarm, the water supply units should be dispatched at the first sign of a working fire.

Many potentially hazardous facilities are not located near a hydrant water supply. Every effort should be made to have a substantial storage of water on-site. Underground tanks are used in some areas. Such tanks should be set up with openings for the pumper taking suction and for supply tankers to dump.

Coordinated tanker and dam operations, directed by a designated water supply officer, arc extremely effective. These operations should always be preplanned and drilled. The importance of the preplan was demonstrated in a situation involving a large feed mill located in a rural area. A multialarm preplan was set up to deliver water from a nearby farm pond. The first responding officer ordered, “Disregard the preplan. All units report to the fire. We will use booster tank water.” As a result, the mill was destroyed.

There is no way of knowing if the preplan would have saved the mill. However, in the excitement of arriving at a working fire, an officer’s best bet is to stick to the preplan. If it doesn’t work, refine it for the next time.

Some water companies charge for sprinkler connections, claiming that a standby service is rendered that benefits the property owner because his insurance rates are reduced. The sprinkler industry opposes such charges, arguing that the provision of automatic sprinklers reduces the amount of water required in the event of a fire and, therefore, the water utility benefits as much as the owner.

At many government installations, normal water use is metered either for billing purposes or to provide reimbursement for a local municipality. But the ordinary type of water meter provides serious restrictions in water flow, making it insufficient for firefighting purposes. A fire flow meter should be provided or a bypass valve installed. This valve can be opened under emergency conditions so that the meter will not restrict the fire flow.

Some water utilities are concerned that fire department Siamese connections may pollute the domestic water supply if contaminated water is pumped into the Siamese. Some have proposed that such connections should be illegal, but this would obviously interfere with the use of sprinklers as a firefighting rather than just a first-aid device. Fire departments must take every precaution to ensure that the use of fire department connections does not pollute the water system.


In many cities a license department issues licenses for various functions that have a bearing on fire protection. In some cases these are practically fee-collecting mechanisms that do not examine the applicant’s ability. But often the capability to grant or deny a license acts as a real method of control, particularly when denial of the license can put the operator out of business.

Consider the licensing of nursing homes. The fire department’s licensing agency can help correct fire hazard situations. If sprinkler maintenance contractors are licensed, the fire department can then ensure that it is notified of all sprinkler impairments.

The fire safety manager of a plant should be aware of local licensing requirements and make certain that the facility obtains all necessary licenses. You should require that this person be licensed as well.


These attorneys handle civil and criminal actions that stem from fire protection problems, and they often are overburdened with work. It is important that these officials understand the serious nature of offenses such as blocked exits, illegal storage.^ overcrowding, and so on. Arson investigators should consult attorneys on the handling of suspected arson so the case will not be thrown out because of improper procedure. An attorney also can help troubleshoot to determine how to prevent lawsuits.


This department is concerned with codes and standards for newly constructed or substantially remodeled buildings. In a few cases it has been joined to the fire department. Interaction between the building and fire departments varies from close cooperation to open warfare.


A number of states agencies are concerned with fire loss management. There is no pattern from state to state, but I am not aware of any state that has an agency to regulate local fire protection standards. Few states even require local governments to provide fire protection; they simply provide the legal mechanism by which fire protection can be organized.

State fire marshal. The fire marshal’s duties vary from state to state and range from enforcing codes to investigating arson. Some are located in a police-type agency, others in the insurance department. Some states have no such office.

State building code. This code may apply only for state buildings or in the absence of a local code. Other states have “mini-maxi” codes, which prevent localities from imposing fire safety codes that are more restrictive than the bare minimum code enacted by the state.

State labor department-occupational health and safety function. Recently the Seattle Fire Department was fined SI02,000 by the State Labor Department for “serious willful” violations in the death of a firefighter. Two years ago the agency fined the fire department for not being able to account for firefighters on the fireground after another death. Hie Labor Department observed the fire department’s record and found evidence of an “ongoing problem.”

Fire service training. Training varies greatly from state to state, but one important advantage of statewide training is that officers from different departments get to know one another. Mutual-aid agreements are more easily developed and fireground operations are more efficient when the officers have trained together.

The state of Mary land has long had an excellent training program currently operated by the Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute, a part of the University of Maryland. It is interesting to note that throughout Maryland first-alarm mutual responses are commonplace, even responses across the state line.

Fire departments at state institutions. These can include hospitals, colleges, prisons, and airports. The capabilities of these fire departments vary greatly, but in general they are equipped to handle only minor fires and depend heavily on outside aid. They should designate a liaison officer for effective communication with outside fire departments.

Benefits for volunteer firefighters. In an effort to retain experienced volunteers, some states offer pension benefits and other incentives for long service volunteers.

Health or welfare department. These departments are concerned with fire safety in nursing homes and hospitals. Personnel usually must meet certain education requirements. Often they have more academic credentials than firefighters.

Educational assistance. Some states offer generous tuition assistance to help both career and volunteer firefighters obtain either an associate or bachelor’s degree in any field related to fire protection.

It will help you to make a list for your state of all state fire loss management functions. You will be able to locate previously unknown sources of assistance. It also may help you to avoid civil and possibly criminal penalties for operations -now punishable-that were once considered nobody’s business but the fire department’s.

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