The Firefighters Support Foundation offers two free downloadable training programs at Active Shooter: Rapid Response and Treatment Model, Operational Detail and Rapid Response, and Treatment Model-the 10 Top Questions. The Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping first responders perform their jobs effectively and safely and sets aside a portion of its funds to aid underfunded agencies and assist families of fallen firefighters.
- Colin Kelley’s “Roof Crickets: What’s Your Operation?” (
- Pedro Cáceres’s “The Fire Department Administrative-Operational Gap” (
- Jeff Johnson’s “The Seniors Must Teach the Juniors” (
- Mark Wallace’s “The Spectrum Model of Organizational Change” (
- Eric G. Bachman’s “Intelligent Response Structures” (
Another training cycle has begun: The classes have been picked for FDIC 2015, and the speakers are preparing videos to entice you to attend their classes and are writing original articles that will appear only on, your source for original FDIC-quality training year-round. Original Roll Call Tips and exclusive training articles from your favorite FDIC 2014 instructors are posted daily. Watch Webcasts on Demand of popular FDIC 2014 classes. Train for free until FDIC!
PHOTO OF THE DAY: To provide Air National Guard soldiers and area fire rescue agencies the means to train and build their proficiency skills in technical rope rescue and confined space, the Fort Buchanan Fire and Emergency Services in Puerto Rico sponsored a 16-hour technical rope rescue and confined space training session. (Photo by Hector Rivera.) See more photos at Send your Photo of the Day submissions to Peter Prochilo (
Now that the fall/winter season is upon us, we reach for comfort food at home and in the station. Try these hearty fall recipes from Fire Life regular columnists: Chipotle Potato Kale Soup from Engine 2 Diet author Rip Esselstyn, Fall Harvest from cookbook author and New Mexico restaurateur Kipp Rix, and Biscuits and Gravy from The Firehouse Foodie Frank Vaerewyck. Get more recipes for your work and home families at
On November 4, Forest Reeder presents “Under Construction: The Fire Department Training Program,” sponsored by TargetSolutions. On November 13, Bill Gustin presents “Size-Up for Safety and Effectiveness.” On November 20, Jerry Knapp presents “House Fires: Modern Strategies and Tactics for Aggressive Operations,” sponsored by Avon. Webcasts are free, but you must register. They are archived on for six months.
Fire photographers have been instrumental in capturing how firefighters operate, maintaining a visual record of firefighting operations over time and allowing training lessons to be drawn from fire scenes that would otherwise be inaccessible to readers. Fire Engineering has had many striking fire scene photos grace its covers over the years, and in some cases fire photographers featured in the magazine in the 20th century are still active with Fire Engineering to this day. Bob Bartosz is one such photographer. He was active in the Philadelphia area for many years, and his photographs were featured on Fire Engineering covers a number of times in the 1960s and ’70s. See his covers from the Fire Engineering archive at
Name: Hector Rivera. Department: Fort Buchanan Fire and Emergency Services, Puerto Rico. Rank: Training officer. Years of public service: 17. Agency structure: paid department. Top issues in your department: training, personnel management, rescue, EMS. Areas of expertise: rope, high-angle, and confined space rescue; vehicle live fire. |
Fire Engineering Archives