Sons of the Flag with Kegan Gill

Sons of the Flag: Kegan Gill, Rising from the Ashes

Your hosts welcome Kegan “Smurf” Gill, author of Phoenix Revival: The Aftermath of Naval Aviation’s Fastest Survived Ejection.
Seattle firefighter denied medical compensation

Retired Seattle Firefighter Denied Coverage for Work-Related Cancer

A retired Seattle fire lieutenant is fighting to win coverage for treatment of a work-related cancer.
At center, Frank Leeb and Dan Noonan with other members of the fire service

Remembering the New York Telephone Fire: 50 Years Later

Frank Leeb recounts the New York Telephone Fire, the work of the late Dan Noonan, and how the incident transformed our understanding of the toxicity…

Firefighter Hearing Loss Overview and Impact

This article considers firefighters' exposure to loud noises and the implications for hearing loss, and offers ways of mitigating those effects.
David Rhodes and Deni Ali

In the Books: Hope Out of Darkness

Dena Ali discusses her powerful book, Hope Out of Darkness: A Guide to First Responder Mental Wellness.

CA Firefighter Recounts Moment Tornado Flipped His Truck

A rare tornado touched down in Santa Cruz County over the weekend, creating chaos and leaving a CAL FIRE battalion chief shaken but thankful to…
Keiser sled strikes

The Tabata Protocol: ‘High-Octane’ Firefighter Training for Functional Performance

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) will provide firefighters with the most bang for their buck when it comes to improving fireground performance.
Fire Engineering Editor in Chief David Rhodes


Firefighter cancer is a complex issue, however there are some simple steps firefighters can take to mitigate their exposure risks, David Rhodes writes.
Sons of the Flag members

Sons of the Flag: Pearl Harbor and Engine 6

Sons of the Flag members reflect on 2024’s milestones and look back at Pearl Harbor’s civilian firefighters from Engine 6.
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