New Free Response to Gunfire–Tactics when Shot at or Working at Ballistic Scenes Program Available
Sadly, firefighters and other emergency responders are now more frequently fired upon in the course of their duties. They are also being called upon to respond to scenes with on-going ballistic threats such as active shooter events. In response, the Firefighters Support Foundation’s (FSF) newest training program, Response to Gunfire–Tactics when Shot at or Working at Ballistic Scenes, is now available. This program addresses the types of gunfire events that first responders may find themselves at, what their actions should be to protect themselves, and what to do while waiting for SWAT to arrive on-scene. Also covered is integrating with an armed law enforcement escort team so as to attend to downed victims.
The program consists of a 40-minute video presentation and an accompanying 48-slide PowerPoint. The presenter is the commander of a very active state police SWAT team who has responded to hundreds of events where fire service and EMS personnel had to work in concert with law enforcement. He has trained hundreds of firefighters and other first responders to integrate with armed law enforcement escort teams.
The program is free to all members of public safety and emergency management agencies. Simply click HERE for the video and the PowerPoint, or view the video in the player above.
Send comments and feedback about these training programs to Please note: some Windows users may experience problems when downloading files.
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About the Firefighters Support Foundation
The Firefighters Support Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization dedicated to assisting firefighters, emergency management, EMS, and Search & Rescue personnel perform their jobs effectively and safely. We also set aside a portion of our funds to aid underfunded agencies and assist families of fallen firefighters.