Firefighters responded to an early morning fire that damaged four Ashburn homes and left one person missing.
Just before 1:30 a.m., Tuesday, March 29, 2022, the Loudoun County (VA) Emergency Communications Center began receiving 911 calls reporting a house fire on Nashua Street in Ashburn. Several callers reported one home on fire and the fire rapidly spreading to neighboring houses. Loudoun County Combined Fire and Rescue System (LC-CFRS) units from Ashburn, Lansdowne, Moorefield, Leesburg, and command staff responded to the initial call. Based on the amount of fire in multiple structures, a rapid intervention task (RIT) force and a second alarm were requested to assist.
Firefighters arrived to find heavy fire on multiple floors of the home with fire quickly spreading to the houses on either side. Under windy conditions, fire crews initially attacked the bulk of the fire from the exterior as others worked quickly to contain the fire and search for occupants in the neighboring houses. Two residents inside the heavily engulfed house were able to self-evacuate and were transported to Medstar Washington Burn Center for minor injuries however one adult remains unaccounted for.
Crews remain on scene extinguishing remaining hot spots and assisting fire marshals with their fire investigation. There are no additional injuries to civilians or first responders. A total of nine adults and two children were displaced.