Flipping the Coin: Fireground Decision Making for Company Officers

By James L. Silvernail

A few years ago I was privileged to take a truck company class from a prominent truck company author from the West Coast whom I greatly respect. During his lecture he briefly discussed the quint concept and how he did not fully understand it. He also described how being a quint officer was very complicated, requiring years of experience to understand how to implement tactics that achieve a coordinated fire attack without dedicated truck companies. The joke was, “if you are a quint company officer, do you flip a coin upon arrival to determine if you are an engine or truck company?”

I have been an officer in a “modified-quint” concept system for approximately 10 years. Honestly, there are times when the decision to commit to engine or truck work is not complicated. However, there are times when this system is tested and it can be a challenge. Without dedicated truck companies, many functions that are essential for a coordinated fire attack can be easily missed or not performed in a timely manner. Unfortunately, this is reality for many of us in suburban America, as well as many urban areas that are turning to this concept in attempt to cut budgets and gain an efficient, economical advantage.

Please notice that I used the term efficient in the paragraph above as opposed to effective. There is a vast difference between the two meanings in these words. Many leaders and policy makers across the country have turned to the elimination of fire apparatus that does not have the ability to pump water for fire extinguishment, i.e. truck and heavy rescue companies. They have found that it is efficient to combine these functions into one apparatus. Rescue engines have replaced the heavy rescue and 75-foot ladders with pumps have taken the place of nonexistent truck companies. Depending on their function at a fire, these apparatus may be expected to conduct either truck company functions or engine work. On paper, this looks extremely efficient in a fire department budget. But is it effective?

In regard to a coordinated fire attack, there is nothing more effective than a timely, coordinated team effort between engine crews and the functions that facilitate or assist these crews (truck work). In a system where well-trained truck companies and engine companies arrive simultaneously or in close proximity, this is almost a guarantee. Both companies know their duties and commit.

Does this mean that systems without truck companies are ineffective? No, but such setups require greater coordination, training, and experience. Many of us who already work under the conditions of this system understand this. The policymakers who decide to transition to this system need to understand that there is more involved than simply removing apparatus from service. The answer is having effective standard operating guidelines, experienced company officers, and training.


Often, the easiest part of the equation is building customized standard operating guidelines (SOGs) and implementing training. The hard part is finding fire officers with the desired leadership attributes and fireground experience. It is no secret that fire activity has seen a decline in the last decade and fire officers do not experience the same amount of fires that they did in the past. This dilemma will continually challenge our industry. The answer is not straightforward; however, we must build upon the experiences of our predecessors and to commit to increased training.

SOGs must be customized for the individual agency and created in regard to agency capability at the company level. What does this mean? You must understand the individual abilities of each fire company and how many fire round functions they can effective deliver in a timely manner. Often we fail to effectively complete a function because we try to attempt numerous functions simultaneously with limited resources. Is it practical to attempt to deploy two hoselines, locate a fire, force entry, and ventilate with a single three- or four-person engine company? Good Luck!

When designing SOGs for structure fires, certain principles must be adhered to. Fireground functions must be prioritized and generally assigned to incoming resources/units.


  • Situational awareness and size-up must absolutely be the first action on any emergency situation. This includes building awareness, exposure protection, fire involvement, fire conditions, fire location, victim potential/location, extra hazards, just to name a few.
  • Rescue always takes precedence over property conservation; however, with limited resources, our main form of rescue may be line deployment (removing the hazard and placing the nozzle between the victims and the fire).
  • Primary line (flow) placement is a high priority: “No other action taken on the fireground saves more lives than the proper size attack line, stretched to the correct location, and placed into service at the proper time.”
  • Placing a line into service requires facilitating (assisting actions), including locating the fire (including opening interior walls, voids, and ceilings), locating victims, forcible entry, and ventilation.

Because placing a line into service can be an intensive undertaking, consider using the 1 +1 principle. This principle means using two crews per hoseline: an engine crew/hose line crew (who is responsible for hoseline deployment and flow) and a facilitating crew with forcible entry tools. The facilitating crew is responsible for fire location (opening up), forcible entry/egress, victim removal, and can assist with the line stretch. This system allows for the hose crew to concentrate all efforts on the hoseline and allows for interior facilitation and safety net (in the need for interior forcible egress).

  • Have a command and safety structure
  • Provide a safety net for all operating companies; including rapid intervention and rehab.
  • Have a backup line and be prepared to place it into service
  • Complete all incomplete truck company functions, such as utility control, throwing ladders, incomplete forcible entry (removing bars on windows and securing secondary egress points), verifying effectiveness of ventilation, and salvage and overhaul.
  • Have the ability to transport/triage all victims (including fire department personnel).

The term generally was used to describe assigning fireground functions to incoming units. That’s because every fire is not the same. “Let the situation dictate the circumstances and actions.” A good fire officer, especially a quint officer, must be flexible and be ready to implement actions which will most impact the fireground. The best example of this decision making is a rescue situation with limited resources. Does the officer elect to defer line placement in lieu of performing a rescue? It is a difficult situation which has many variables and the decision will require experience and training.

Sitting in the front right seat isn’t easy. It requires skill and the ability to make quick decisions which could impact life or death situations.

  • Have a game plan
  • Be flexible and adapt to the situation
  • Have the experience and training to be able to make these decisions

Don’t simply “flip the coin” on arrival. Have a game plan and know your agency’s SOGs, but also don’t be afraid to deviate when the situation dictates. Know what functions are necessary to impact the operation and commit to implementation.

JIM SILVERNAIL is a battalion chief in the St. Louis County (MO) Fire Department. He is a resident contract instructor at the National Fire Academy, a lead instructor at the St. Louis County Fire Academy, and a member of MO-TF1. He is a rescue/engine company officer and a shift training officer. He has been published in Fire Engineering and is writing a book on suburban fire tactics for Fire Engineering.

Suburban Fire TacticsJim Silvernail wrote Suburban Fire Tactics, published by Fire Engineering Books & Videos. Get your copy today from www.FireEngineeringBooks.com.

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