From the Publishers Desk
How to Submit Articles
How do you prepare an article for publication in Fire Engineering? That’s a question we often are asked.
We generally reply that the first thing you have to determine to do is to set aside some time to put your thoughts on paper. Actually, just getting around to writing the article seems to be more difficult than the act of writing. Once you start writing, the rest is relatively easy. A good method is to write the way you would talk to someone about your subject.
First of all, we like to see articles that are typewritten, double-spaced, on only one side of each sheet of paper. The important thing is to express your ideas in a manner that comes naturally to you. Questions of logical sequence, style and such can be handled by our editors so that your article reads easily.
Above all, your facts should be accurate. Our editors check for accuracy (including working out any mathematical problems or formulas) and will question you if necessary.
The length of an article depends on the amount of pertinent information involved in explaining the subject matter. Some articles may tell all the reader wishes to know in a few paragraphs. Others require six or seven, or more, pages to convey the desired information. A good rule is to stop writing when you, the writer, begin to feel that you have run out of things to write.
Whenever possible, we like photos to illustrate articles. Sometimes we print color photos if they have a dramatic impact, but mostly we print photos in black and white. We often convert color photos or slides to black and white photos, so we aren’t fussy about what you send. However, we do have to have photos with clear, sharp images. A fuzzy photo prints poorly.
Stories about fires are usually improved by a map of the fireground. You do not have to be a draftsman. As long as the map features are clear, our art department can turn it into a professional job. Any labels you write on the map will be set in type.
If you are thinking of writing an article that will take a substantial amount of effort, you can even send a letter to our editor, Dick Sylvia, and he will quickly tell you if your proposed article sounds interesting.
Remember, it’s articles from our readers that keep other readers informed about different ways of advancing the fire service.