From the Publishers Desk
Editor of Fire Engineering
Back in August 1966, this column announced the appointment of Richard Pratt Sylvia as associate editor of Fire Engineering. And now, 14 years later, it gives us great pleasure to announce the appointment of Dick as the editor of Fire Engineering, starting with this issue. This time, of course, we don’t have to introduce him.
Since 1966, Dick Sylvia has become one of the most well known names in the fire service. His column The Volunteers Corner, is unquestionably one of the best read pieces of fire service literature—quoted widely, reprinted frequently and used regularly by our readers. His major articles—we lost count of how many—have established his reputation as a leader of the service. Jim Casey called him a walking encyclopedia on fire service matters—training, equipment, apparatus, budgeting and what have you, subjects he has lectured on in many parts of the country.
For those of you who weren’t around 14 years ago, Dick Sylvia began as a volunteer fire fighter with the Noroton, Conn., Fire Department back in 1954 and is still active. He has held practically all ranks in this department including chief of department for eight years. Among several other hats he wears around the state, Dick is a member of the Connecticut Commission on Fire Prevention and Control.
His journalistic credentials are impeccable. He started out right from college (Dartmouth) with the New Bedford, Mass., Morning Mercury, moved on to the Bridgeport, Conn., Post, then to the New York Sun and finally to the New York World-Telegram. (Along the way he acquired a master’s degree in government from New York University.)
Dick has been a big-time reporter, photographer, news editor, copy editor and makeup editor. His experience in fire fighting and journalism makes him eminently suitable as editor of Fire Engineering. We are sure you will all wish him well.