From the Publishers Desk
November Issue Themed To Emergency Medical Service
For a number of years now Fire Engineering has been covering the emergency medical service and its associated technicians. In addition to articles that appear throughout the year, we have given over each November issue almost in its entirety to this important service which is so intimately connected to the fire service.
Our interest goes back to 1967, a year in which our editors began drawing our readers’ attention to the crying need for emergency care, and to the fact that the fire service was eminently suited to take it on. Today, of course, we have some 17,000 fire departments.
This coming November issue will carry on our crusade in our traditional manner, which treats mostly with the establishment and management of an EMS—how other departments do it and did it.
Laramie, Wyo., had unique problems in developing an EMS, not the least of which was 26-mile runs over difficult terrain that occasionally called for EMT treatment. Springdale, Ark., was another small city with unique problems. The resolution of the problems of these two cities is treated in depth in our November issue and will be well worth the reading for any department still contemplating EMS.
We will also have an article in this issue, written by an expert, that will analyze the state of the EMS art nationally. Another article covers the “rhubarb” that has developed over the attempt by the United States Department of Transportation to develop a “third service.” This third service is, of course, the emergency medical service which would stand alone—apart from the fire and police departments.
As an added fillup to this issue we will publish for the first time a buyers’ guide of EMS products. The guide will be similar in format to the guide we publish annually in our IAFC issue. Naturally, this new guide will list only those products used by the emergency medical service. It will run the gamut from “airways” to “trauma cases.”