Get a jump on the 21st century! Join fire departments across the country solving the health hazards

Get a jump on the 21st century! Join fire departments across the country solving the health hazards of diesel pollution by install-ing Ward Diesel`s onboard, state-of-the-art NO SMOKE filtration system, which meets established NIOSH/OSHA regulations and features automatic, hands-off operation when exiting or returning to the station; easy maintenance and guaranteed satisfaction; fail-safe performance; and no hoses to hook up, trip over, rip off, or drag down the street. Contact Ward Diesel at (800) 845-4665 or on the Internet at

Circle No. 401 on Reader Service Card

MN Restaurant Fire

Popular Winona (MN) Restaurant Suffers Devastating Fire

After over 40 years in Winona, the Black Horse Bar and Grill no longer stands in one piece on Old Homer Road.
Baby Rescue Staten Island

Baby Passed Through Window in Dramatic FDNY Rescue at Staten Island House Fire

A firefighter who ran into a burning, smoke-filled home grabbed a baby from a bunk bed and passed the child through a basement window to…