Hoarding Conditions Slow Response to WA House Fire

house fire with clutter

According to a report from KATU, Clark-Cowlitz Fire Rescue (CCFR) firefighters were unable to mount a proper attack at house fire Wednesday because of heavy clutter conditions on the exterior and interior of the home.

CCFR crews were dispatched to 8710 N.E. 244th Street just before 2:15 p.m. Firefighters arrived to see that they couldn’t directly attack the fire until they cleared some of rubbish around the home, which included vehicles, appliances, and storage bins.

CCFR Chief John Nohr said that, in his 37-year career, the home was one of the most extremely cluttered he’s ever seen.

Clark-Cowlitz Fire Rescue/Twitter

By the time crews moved the clutter, the fire became too big to make an offensive interior attack, endangering their response. Firefighters also discovered the home’s inside was full of piles of clothing, storage bins, appliances, and furniture.

In addition, a barn that housed four horses was adjacent to the home. Although the fire was not a threat to the animals, CCFR members called Clark County Animal Control to evaluate the horses because of their condition.

The cause of the fire is under investigation. No one was injuries were reported.


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