Home for the Heroes Programs

Whether “The American Dream” is defined as having the abilityto seize economic opportunity, a chance to make a better life or the simple joyof home ownership, the American Dream in all its variations would not bepossible without the daily sacrifices made by members of the military, fire fighters, police officers, teachers, doctors, nurses, and clerrgy. Yet, today, many military and workforce heroes — the very people whohelp secure the dream’s possibility — face obstacles that prevent them fromachieving the most basic aspect of the American Dream, home ownership.

Former marine, founder and owner of Reality RealtyProfessionals, Sam Cachola, saw that disparity and took action. When Cacholabegan his career in real estate six years ago he focused on educating hisclients and giving back to those who serve our community. He combined hisknowledge of the real estate market with his experience in the military – toguide his clients through what is often the single, largest purchase of theirlives.

Cachola and the Reality Realty team assisted Marine [title]Philip Dombek and his wife Desiree Dombek, an active duty military family at avery crucial time in their life.  Faced with changing their livingsituation on short notice, the Dombeks were relieved when Cachola was able tohelp them through a very stressful time.

“His experience with the military made him an expert in dealing with oursituation. Sam knew how to get us the best deal on our home, while helping usfinancially plan for a better future,” said Philip. “Sam was with us every stepof the way and through it all, we counted on him Sam to be upfront and honestwith us.”

Understanding the sacrifices these individuals make, Cacholabegan offering discounts to clients. He would pay for home inspections andwarranties as well as other associated closing costs that often preventmilitary families from owning a home.

At times, Cachola sold homes without receiving compensationfor his efforts. He knew the idea of altruistically helping military and civilservice men and women was solid and sought to make it official. It was then hediscovered the Homes for Heroes program.

The Homes for Heroes program was established following theSeptember 11th attacks as a way to express gratitude to men andwomen of service. The Homes for Heroes network offers solutions for buying orselling a home to through an established system of rebates and discounts.

This year, Cachola and his Reality Realty team officially aligned with Homes for Heroes making it possible for Active Duty, Military Retirees, Military Reservists, Firefighters, Law Enforcement Officers, Doctors, Nurses, EMT’s, and Teachers in the Northern Virginia area to realize considerable savings when buying or selling a home.

“Sam has a tremendous amount of enthusiasm for the Homes for Heroes program,” said Sandy Carlson, Homes for Heroes Director of Affiliates. “Finding the right people to represent as well as carry out our mission is socritical. Sam is an asset to Homes for Heroes because he understands our mostbasic philosophy. He embodies ‘the more you give the more you get’ idea.”

All Homes for Heroes affiliates agree to a basic discountstructure which includes:

● 25% of the gross commission paid to your Homes for Heroes real estate affiliate’s company, whether you buy/sell or both.

● 50% discount on the loan origination fee onpurchases or re-finances with HFH preferred lender and $25.00 off appraisals.

● 40% off (or flat fee of $250.00 up to 3000 sqft) Private Home Inspections with HFH preferred Home inspection company.

● 50% off closing fee when using HFH preferredTitle Company

The impact Sam Cachola and his team at Reality RealtyProfessionals have had on the lives of the clients they serve has beensignificant. From the special education teacher who was finally able topurchase her first home to marines purchasing their dream homes or relocatingtheir families, Reality Realty Professionals honors the military and workforceheroes that put their trust in them by providing honest guidance through thereal estate process and with true professionalism and dedication. Participationin the Homes for Heroes program further bolsters the team’s efforts to touchthe lives of even more everyday heroes who serve their communities and ourcountry.

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