On this week’s Humpday Hangout, hosts Rick Lasky, Terry McGrath, and company speak with guest Butch Cobb, retired chief of the Jersey City (NJ) Fire Department and ISO, about our nation’s civilian fire deaths and property loses over the past 20-years and our current mission of protecting lives and property.
Join us live on Fire Engineering’s Facebook at 1 p.m. Eastern on August 18, 2021, or watch this space for the discussion.
Audio below.
The Economic Impact of Firefighting: A New Way to View Firefighter Service
Tom Brennan: In the Fire Service, We Only Lose
Humpday Hangout: Formal Mentoring for the Modern Fire Service
Humpday Hangout: Fire Station Safety and Security
Humpday Hangout: Why Are You Here?
Humpday Hangout: 2021 Fireground Civilian Rescue Research Project