Humpday Hangout: Outside-In Fires

Humpday Hangout: Outside-In Fires

Ricky Riley, Aaron Heller, Donny Fletcher, Bobby Halton, and Mike Richardson
Fire Engineering/YouTube

On this week’s Humpday Hangout, Ricky Riley and other members of Traditions Training speak with members of the ISFSI about “outside-in” fires.


Outside-In Fires: Effective Response

Outside/In Fires: Two Incidents, Two Outcomes

Fire Attack – From the Outside In

Join us live on Fire Engineering’s Facebook at 1 p.m. Eastern on May 5, 2021, or watch this space for the discussion.


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Dave Polikoff, RJ, and Rob Zajac

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Hosts David Polikoff and Robert "RJ" James welcome guest Rob Zajac as they dive into the challenges and strategies of cold-weather firefighting.
Jim Silvernail, Jason Hoevelmann, and Jim Edelstein

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Hosts Jim Silvernail and Jason Hoevelmann explore the unique challenges of chimney fires with Jim Edelstein.
Eric Dreiman

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Host Eric Dreiman reflects on fostering a supportive fire service culture and adaptability in firefighting.