Humpday Hangout: When Seconds Count, Making Grabs!

Humpday Hangout: When Seconds Count, Making Grabs!

In this week’s Humpday HangoutRick Lasky, Terry McGrath, and Scott Thompson invite members from the Arlington (TX) Fire Department to discuss fire rescue and making the grab.

Sponsored by Safariland REDLINE Series. Thermally tested and certified, the REDLINE Series from Safariland delivers unparalleled message clarity for every task … at every scene … every time.

Join us live on our Facebook page at 1 p.m. Eastern on September 20, 2023, or watch this space for the discussion.


Women in Fire

Women in Fire: Women Supporting Women in the Fire Service

In this podcast discussion, the panel discuss the importance of women supporting women in the fire service.
Dave Polikoff, RJ, and Rob Zajac

Talkin’ Tactics: Cold-Weather Firefighting Tips and Tricks

Hosts David Polikoff and Robert "RJ" James welcome guest Rob Zajac as they dive into the challenges and strategies of cold-weather firefighting.
Jim Silvernail, Jason Hoevelmann, and Jim Edelstein

Tactical Impact: Chimney Fire Tactics with Jim Edelstein

Hosts Jim Silvernail and Jason Hoevelmann explore the unique challenges of chimney fires with Jim Edelstein.
Eric Dreiman

Hooks & Hoses: Strengthening the Fire Service

Host Eric Dreiman reflects on fostering a supportive fire service culture and adaptability in firefighting.