IAFC Foundation Announces 2009 Scholarship Winners

The International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) Foundation’s Board is pleased to announce that $30,000 is being awarded to 33 first responders representing a range of departments and ranks to further advance their fire service education.

In these difficult economic times, the IAFC Foundation increased its total level of support for first responders seeking advanced education. The IAFC Foundation helps ensure current and future leaders of the fire service are well educated and prepared to address the complex issues faced in the fire and emergency services.

Thanks to the Motorola Foundation, the following individuals received funding from the Motorola Foundation Future Leaders Scholarship Fund. These individuals are pursuing higher education and are currently or recently enrolled in IAFC’s Company Officer Leadership Development Program offered annually at the IAFC’s annual Fire Rescue International (www.iafc.org/fri). “Through this award, Motorola demonstrates their commitment to a well-educated, trained, versatile fire and emergency service,” said IAFC Foundation President Anthony P. Campisi.  The recipients:

· Company Officer Merritt Kearns with Statesboro Fire Department in Georgia.

· Captain James Paul with Prince William County Department of Fire and Rescue in Virginia.

· Captain Donald Willbanks with Sandy Springs Fire and Rescue in Georgia,

The Garry L. Briese Scholarship Award, also made possible with support from the Motorola Foundation, goes to Lieutenant Richard Petersen with Manteno Community Fire District in Illinois.

The Heather Westphal Memorial Scholarship Award benefits women in the fire service. The award was created in honor of the IAFC’s former Membership Marketing Manager, Heather Westphal, who died tragically in an accident October 12, 2008. The award was established in her memory with support from the IAFC and the International Association of Women in Fire and Emergency Services (www.i-women.org) and others. The first recipient of this award is Firefighter/Paramedic Christina Fazio with the Bolingbrook Fire Department in Illinois. 

The award sponsored by the IAFC’s Federal Military Section goes to Lieutenant Daniel E. Manley with Fort Bragg Fire and Emergency Services and Stoney Point Volunteer Fire Department in North Carolina.

These deserving volunteer and career first responders were also selected to receive educational scholarships:

· Firefighter Nicholas Brooks with Atlas Township Fire Department in Michigan.

· Lieutenant Edward Carter with Georgetown County Fire EMS in SC South Carolina.

· Firefighter/Paramedic Joseph Fagan with Bolingbrook Fire Department in Illinois.

· Firefighter Charles Frey with Central Mat-Sun Fire Department in Alaska.

· Firefighter Brian Gettemeier with Cottleville Fire Protection District in Missouri.

· Firefighter/Paramedic Brian Hartwig with the City of Freeport Fire Department in Illinois.

· Firefighter/Paramedic Michael Heimbecker with the Lombard Fire Department in Illinois.

· Division Chief Michael Hoag with Chesapeake Fire Department in Virginia.

· Lieutenant Stephanie Julazadeh with Spartanburg Fire Division in South Carolina.

· Firefighter/Paramedic Joseph Lafftery with Shawnee Township and German Township Fire/EMS in Ohio.

· Assistant Engineer/Firefighter Chris Leier with College Park Volunteer Fire Department in Maryland.

· EMT Charmaine Rice with CyFair Volunteer Fire Department in Texas.

· Fire Chief Joseph Tanner with City of Georgetown, South Carolina.

· Lieutenant Justin Tirelli with Arlington County Fire Department in Virginia.

· Driver/Operator Fritz Wiedenhoff with Northern Lakes Fire District in Idaho.

· Firefighter/Paramedic Jamie Wilkey with Lemont Fire Protection District in Illinois.

· Senior Firefighter Jimmy Willis with Williston Fire Rescue in Williston, Florida.

· Reserve Firefighter Tear Sy Yean with Pullman Fire Department in Washington.

· Firefighter/Paramedic Nick Zamiska with Brecksville Fire Department and Valley Fire District in Ohio.

The Reed Elsevier Foundation made it possible for the IAFC Foundation to award scholarships to the following young Fire Explorers:

· Matthew Carmack with Gales Ferry Fire Company in Connecticut.

· Michael Cote with Palm Beach Gardens Fire Rescue in Florida.

· Dillion Houser with Lincolnton Fire Department in North Carolina.

· Patrick Kellam with Fort Oglethorpe Fire and Rescue in Georgia.

· Kate Kotecki with Vigant Fire Company in New York.

· Joshua Lowe with Dekalb Country Fire and Rescue in Georgia.

· Samuel Smith with Winston-Salem Fire Department in North Carolina.

· Kevin Lehberger with Ashland Fire Department in Massachusetts,

These educational awards are made possible with support from individuals, foundations and fire-service-related companies who understand and appreciate the value and necessity of an agile, educated and versatile first responder workforce.

You too can help ensure that first responders have the education needed to lead the fire service and respond to the challenges faced every day. Donate through the IAFC Foundation’s online donation form.  

For more information about the IAFC Foundation or how to apply for a scholarship, please go to www.iafcf.org or contact Judy G. Kirk at jkirk@iafc.org.

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