IAFC Foundation Scholarship

IAFC Foundation Scholarship

Fire department members enrolling in college level courses in the fire sciences or related academic programs may be eligible for $250 scholarships available through the International Association of Fire Chiefs Foundation and funded by fire organizations and manufacturers.

Active members of state, county, provincial, municipal, community, industrial, or federal fire departments who have demonstrated proficiency as a member, are eligible to apply for a scholarship to a recognized institution of higher education. Dependents ot members are not eligible.

Those interested in applying for a scholarship must complete an application and attach a 250-word statement. Preference will be given to those demonstrating need, desire, and initiative. Credits previously attained in college level courses should be listed, and a transcript furnished if possible.

Applications may be obtained from the IAFC Foundation, 1329 18th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. Applications and supporting information must be received by the IAFC Foundation by August 1, 1984.

Lincoln (NE) Fire Crews Battle Fire That Engulfed Three Homes

Lincoln Fire and Rescue crews battled a large fire in a residential neighborhood Tuesday morning amid brutally cold conditions.