ICMA RC Memorial Scholarship Fund Accepting Applications

The ICMA-RC Vantagepoint Public Employee Memorial Scholarship Fund (ICMA-RC Memorial Scholarship Fund), which provides financial assistance for postsecondary education to the surviving children and spouses of local and state government employees, is now accepting applications for the 2013-2014 academic year at www.vantagescholar.org or click here to view the full application.

Scholarships up to $10,000 are awarded to full-time students who attend or plan to attend a two- or four-year accredited college, university or vocational school to pursue undergraduate, graduate or vocational study.  

Finalists are selected based on financial need, achievements, and qualifications such as academic record, participation and leadership in school and community activities, honors, work experience, goals and personal recommendations. This year’s application deadline is March 15, 2013 and applicants will receive notification in advance of the 2013 academic year.

Established to honor the lives of our nation’s police officers, firefighters and other local and state government employees who have died in the line of duty, the ICMA-RC Memorial Scholarship Fund has awarded a total of $860,000 to more than 200 individuals since 2001.

firefighters rescue woman

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