Photos: Indianapolis (IN) Grain Silo Fire


By Rita L. Reith, Indianapolis (IN) Fire Department Battalion Chief–Media Relations

At approximately 0730 hours on July 14, 2017, ADM Milling workers stated that they noticed a darkening of the conveyor belt metal rollers. On investigation, they found a small fire on the conveyor belt that distributes wheat grain between the silos.

After attempting to extinguish the fire, they called for the IFD to come check out possible hot spots. Within minutes, the fire reignited and produced a visible black smoke from the top of the silo.

The company, which has been at that location since 1993, preliminarily believes that a belt may have come off the rollers and the metal to metal friction overheated causing the fire to break out. Further investigation into the cause will be ongoing by ADM Milling.

  • Grain silo, masonry construction.
  • Initially dispatched as Beech Grove Investigation at 0738 hours.
  • First unit on scene Beech Grove EG56 0743 hours; no size-up given.
  • Second unit on scene–IFD Ladder 15 at 0745 hours; gave size-up as smoke coming from top of silo.
  • Based on size-up given, 911 dispatched automatic building response at 0802 hours.
  • Beech Grove Car 503 dispatched at 0804 hours, on scene at 0807 hours, assumed command at 0808 hours.
  • Six IFD units dispatched, three Beech Grove units dispatched.
  • Marked as working building fire at 0823 hours.
  • IFD Stations 13 and 19 Hazmat teams dispatched at 0830 hours.
  • IFD Shift Commander Rob Aldrich (Car 10) assumed command from BG Car 503 at 0843 hours.
  • Fire under control at 0921 hours.
  • Crews continue to hit hot spots as of 1240 hours.
  • Operations Command led by Battalion Chief Steve Dixon.
  • Six handlines, two supply lines, three aerial ops.
  • Two Beech Grove medic units on scene
  • Indianapolis EMS Medic 27 on scene.
  • One Beech Grove firefighter suffers slight heat-related injury. Transported to Methodist to be checked out.
  • Two IFD Firefighters checked at scene for heat related injury, then released.
  • ADM Milling management on scene.
  • About 40 workers were evacuated from property after fire was discovered.

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