APRIL 24-29—The California Fire Instructors will hold CFI WORKSHOP ‘94 in San Jose, California. Contact: Mike and Nancy Ley; P.O. Box 1270; Twin Peaks, CA 92391.
APRIL 29-MAY 4—The METROPOLITAN FIRE CHIEFS CONFERENCE, sponsored by the Metropolitan Fire Chiefs Division of the International Association of Fire Chiefs, will be held in St. Louis, Missouri. Contact: Chief Neil Svetanics at (314) 533-3406.
MAY 19-22—The Lancaster County Firemen’s Association’s 22ND ANNUAL FRE EXPO will be held in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. More than 350 manufacturers will be present. Contact: Fire Expo; 940 Village Rd.; Lancaster, PA 17602; (717)464-3291.
MAY 15-18—The Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco, California, will be the site of the 98TH ANNUAL MEETING AND FlRE SAFETY EXHWT presented by the National Fire Protection Association. Contact: the NFPA at (617) 984-7310.
MJMF 3-8—Hannover, Germany, will be the site of INTHRCHUTZ X94, THE INTERNATIONAL EXIWTION FOR FIRE AW CATASTROPHE PREVENTION AND RESCUE SERVICES, which will feature more than 650 exhibitors. Contact: Flannover fairs USA, Inc.; 103 Carnegie Center, Princeton, NJ 08540; (609)987-1202.