Fireman’s Hall was crowded on last Tuesday evening, a report having been circulated that the Commissioners intended to make a lively stirring up among the Buffalo’s. It was quite amusing to hear the boys express themselves on the probable result. “We will get agraud bounce, you see if we don’t,” said an uptown member. “It ain’t much 1039; $75 won’t kill me,” said another. “Who wants to buy an eight-comb cap,” said a third; and a little stumpy chap cried out, “Them Commissioners have got no consideration for gentlemen’s sons.” Eight o’clock arrived and found Commissioners Parsons, Meehan, O’Donnell, Wiudecker and Ayers present, with the genial gohappy Clerk of the Board, Jun Do re m us, but the worthy President. Charles L. Krugler, was absent through sickness. Chief Engineer Coyle occupied his usual seat in the southeast corner, while Assistant-Chief Mahony, Jr., officiated in thegeneral office.
On a motion Charles H. Parsons was called to preside, and showed that he is exceedingly well fitted for the position. The chair stated that the first business would be the trial of the several members who tailed to turn out on the occasion of the general parade. Thomas Cummings, of Engine No. 8, being called, stated that the reason he did not join in the parade was that he bad been subpoenaed in a case and could not get away. Private King, of Engine No. 5, was called, l ut he failed to answer. Fireman C. Purdy, Engine No. 5, was next called; he stated that he was at work on a building which was to be done immediately, and he could not get, off. A. Mclnnis, of Engine No. 8, gave as an excuse that he was disappointed in getting the front of his cap. G. L. Morrison, of Etigiue No. 4, was engaged in the Postoffice and they would not let him off. II. Turner, Engine No. 4, stated that his employer would not grant him leave of absence. I. Donovan, Engine No. 6, was kept away by death in the family. I. McKigny, Engine No. 3, confined home by sickuess. Owen Moran, Engine No. 1, had to work all day. T. McGinnis, Engine No. 1, was on the jury. Charles Hart, Engine No. 1, had to work. M. T. MaddeD, II. and L. No. 5, was detained away by business. This closed the trials, and an intermission of half an hour was ordered so as to permit the Board time to retire and deliberate over the several cases. During their absence the crowd had quite a debate over the absentees, and when the Commissioners re-entered a gene ral rush was made around the railing. Chairman Parsons announced that the charges were all dismissed, with the excep turn of that against King, who was discharged the force. Several warrants were offered and paid, after which Commission er Windecker moved that Peter llolligan be appointed to Engine 5, and John Whal ling to Hook and Ladder 1, which was adopted.
Commissioner O’Donnell moved that John appointed to Hook and Lad der No.3. Adopted, after ordering an extra quantity of castor oil (w-c could not learn if it was intended for the men or not). Commis sioner Avers offered a resolution, which was adopted, that the Committee on Telegraph and Fuel be requested to ascertain what it would cost to light headquarters in the future with gas, in place of kerosene. On a moliou the Board then adjourned.
It is gratifying to see that the Jersey City Commissioners have awakened to the fact that headquarters is sadly in need of an overhauling. It is now over seven years since the carpet on the floor was taken up, the walls look dingy and dirty, while the oil lamps used are disgusting to look at; several have exploded, and, if only for their own safety, let the good move started at the last meeting by Commissioner Ayers go on. It would be well two have a few benches placed outside the iron railings for the men to sit on. It is not very comforla ble to stand up an hour or two in such close quarters. By all means give the boys a seat.
Chief Engineer Coyle has got no badge of office. ‘I’llis won’t do, it will never answer to have the Chief going around with out ensignia of office.
Foreman Henry, of Engine 5, was at headquarters last Tuesday evening, looking as lively as ever, lie argued many a point during the evening, only resting when he tackled the water cooler.
One of the members of Engine 4, it is re ported, is contemplating a change in life. No ono has as yet solved the mystery but one, and that is said to be one of Jersey City’s belles.
It is rumored that a good many fire bats will be for sale next week.
The carpet at headquarters resembles a varnished hair trunk.
President Krugler returned to his home quite feeble in health on Tuesday last, bav ing, evidently, taken a severe cold. We arc happy to learn, however, that he is much improved and will be on hand at the next meeting.