KENNETH HELGERSON was awarded the Ray Picard award, presented annually to an individual who displays superior leadership and makes outstanding contributions to the Commission on Fire Accreditation, International (CFAI) and the accreditation of fire departments. Helgerson has been the deputy fire chief at the United States Air Force Academy since November 2005. He is a certified fire officer IV, fire instructor III, fire inspector III, hazardous materials train-the-trainer, and incident commander. Helgerson’s military decorations include the Bronze Star, the Meritorious Service Medal, and the Air Force Commendation Medal. Helgerson was also selected as the Department of Defense Military Fire Officer of the Year, 2002, and the Air Force Academy Civilian of the Year, 2008.
ERNIE RODRIGUEZ was announced as the 2010 National EMS Management Association Executive of the Year, which recognizes an EMS executive, chief officer, or director who demonstrates excellence in leading or managing an EMS service or a major division of a large EMS service. Rodriguez, director of Austin-Travis County (TX) EMS, was nominated by his employees for his caring attitude and passion for his staff. He began his career in 1980 as a volunteer firefighter/EMT in Kingsville, Texas. Austin-Travis County EMS provides EMS coverage to nearly one million residents in and around Austin, Texas, covering a region of more than 1,100 square miles.
DAVID F. CLARK retired after more than 45 years of fire service, 34 of those with the Illinois Fire Service Institute (IFSI), at a ceremony at IFSI. He had been the IFSI’s deputy director since 1998. Illinois fire service leaders gathered to honor Clark for his service, including the State Fire Marshal Larry Matkaitis, Chicago (IL) Fire Department representatives, and Illinois Association of Fire Protection Districts. During the ceremony, Clark was presented with Illinois House Resolution No. 1164, sponsored by Representative Donald L. Moffitt of Galesburg, which recognized him for his service with IFSI, the Illinois Terrorism Task Force, and the U.S. Army. Roger Lunt will assume Clark’s duties at IFSI.
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