Large Brush Fire in Laurel (MD) Brings Firefighters From A Distance

By Doug Walton

Firefighters in the Laurel area of Prince George’s County, Maryland, assisted by all surrounding jurisdictions and firefighters from as far away as Jefferson County, West Virginia, battled a large brush fire on Van Dusen Road in Laurel.

It all started as a single-company local alarm for a brush fire in the 5400 block of Van Dusen Road; local firefighters know this area well, as the mulching facility there provides a few calls a year.

The call escalated to a hazardous materials box alarm after several hours, bringing personnel and equipment from throughout the county. A second alarm was sounded, as well as a myriad of special calls for tankers, engine companies, and brush trucks. A host of support staff and units rounded out the compliment of equipment.

The call is reported to have taken approximately 30 hours and between 100 and 200 firefighters from the Baltimore/Washington (and beyond) region. Baltimore City Engine 6 filled in at the Laurel VFD (a driving distance of 23.8 miles, according to Google Maps).

Pictures can be found at

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