Legion Auxiliary Donates MAST Suit to Paramedics

Legion Auxiliary Donates MAST Suit to Paramedics

The Anaheim, Calif., Fire Department paramedics have received a set of medical anti-shock trousers from the Women’s Auxiliary of the Anaheim American Legion Post No. 72. It was the second unit the auxiliary has given the city paramedics.

The MAST suit can be quickly applied to the lower portion of an injured person and inflated, causing the blood to be redirected to the heart and brain, thus increasing ghe likelihood of survival, pending treatment by doctors and surgeons.

The suit includes both an adult-size and pediatric-size pair of trousers. One set is now carried on each of the city’s three paramedic units. The first MAST suit was donated by the auxiliary in January 1977.

Anaheim Memorial Hospital nurse Bellinda Sherman serves as a victim to learn the life-saving values of the MAST suit from Anaheim Fire Department paramedics Mike Muis, left, and Ken Anderson. Cornelia Quane, center, is chairwoman of a memorial fund committee of the Women's Auxiliary of the Anaheim American Legion Post No. 72, which donated the unit.

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