Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor


Team System Remarks

Frankfort, Ky.

Mr. Anthony D. Manno should be congratulated rather than pilloried for sharing the two-team rescue system concept (Fire Engineering, March 1980, “2-Team System Puts Maximum Effort Into Rescue Work at Residential Fires”) with those fire services outside the corporate limits of the City of New York. Those unable to attend the National Fire Academy’s Operational Risk Analysis course to obtain this information first hand no doubt appreciate the opportunity to benefit from Academy activities through the medium of Fire Engineering articles. Hopefully, the National Fire Academy staff will not be discouraged from continuing to contribute to professional journals.

Mr. Manno applies this concept to small department operations. Those without significant life loss experiences or the benefit of ladder company services will benefit from this transfer of information.

As far as “credit” is concerned, I seem to recall from my Latin studies that Marcus Crassus, the owner of a Roman fire brigade, first realized the importance of ventilation to successful rescue operations. Mr. Manno was also employed as a fire service training program supervisor by the Kentucky Department of Education prior to joining the staff of the National Fire Academy. Some of the search and rescue concepts he discussed in the article could have come directly from Kentucky’s search and rescue training guides.

I appreciate the F.D.N.Y.’s inspiring Mr. Manno to write the article, and hope that he, and others fortunate enough to travel and observe other fire department operations, will continue to share the information and knowledge they gain.

Bruce R. Piringer, Supervisor Public Service Occupations Unit Bureau of Vocational Education

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