Investigators have determined the fire that decimated a van Monday morning and left a man burned was an accident, reports (
The fire broke out at around 9:30 a.m. at 4037 15th Street Lane in Greeley. The Greeley Fire Department says the man who was later burned was cleaning the air ducts at the home. When he noticed the generator inside his van wasn’t working correctly, he went out to investigate.
That’s when he saw a small amount of fuel flowing out of the generator. He then opened the fuel tank, causing a large amount of fuel to flow out and ignite when they came in contact with the running generator, igniting the interior of the van, Greeley Fire said.
When fire crews arrived, the fire was threatening an adjacent open garage and home. They were ultimately able to keep the damage to the garage to a minimum, though the fire did cause heat damage to the homeowner’s truck, which was parked outside.
While crews were battling the fire, the fuel tank of the burning van ruptured, causing gasoline to flow down the driveway and into the street. Fire crews had to use foam products to keep it from spreading.