Earmark introduces a six-page, color brochure on the company’s communication systems, including its hands-free, duplex Bclt-Pak radio, portable base stations, and headsets. The features of each are explained, such as the base station’s master station control, which allows the operator to override all remote stations. There’s also information on the company’s rechargeable power system.
Circle No. 41 on Reader Service Card
Parkcon Inc.’s 1989 software catalog includes its line of computer programs for water distribution and fire service applications. Two new programs, “FireHose Records” and “Water Meter Records,” are described in the catalog. All software runs on PC compatible computers.
Grde No. 42 on Reader Service Cord
Five different Personal Alert Safety Systems are described in a pamphlet available from Grace Industries, Inc.: the Tri-Alert 1 detects lack of motion and excess temperature; Tri-Alert 2, lack of motion, gases, excess temperature; Tri-Alert 3, lack of motion, oxygen deficiency, and gases; Tri-Alert lack of motion; and Tri-Alert 5, area and personal monitor and haz-mat suit alarm. Uteres also information on the Temp-A-Larm 1, a mini alarm for detecting excess temperature.
Circle No. 43 on Reoder Service Card
The Computrac FS-2A moisture analyzer from Arizona Instrument Corp. is described in literature from the company.
Portable and durable, the instrument is frequently used in the field for measurement of fuel moisture in vegetation and soils during prescribed burns, for verification of National Fire Danger predictions, and for predictions of wildfire behavior. The literature includes specifications and features.
Circle No. 47 on Reoder Service Card
A brochure on X-Sting, a safety device that extinguishes flash fires generated from a welder’s torch, is available from Man-Saf Technologies, Inc. It includes a diagram, a description of the device and its use, and shipping information.
Circle No. 48 on Reoder Service Cord
The Heathkit Catalog contains 100 pages of do-it-yourself kits and assembled products such as personal computers and amateur radio equipment. The catalog includes specifications and ordering information. All Heath Company products come with after-sale support by phone or through authorized centers.
Circle No. 49 on Reader Service Cord
A six-page, color brochure front Janesville describes the company’s Freedom Series Protect-All turnouts.
The brochure shows the turnouts’ special features: a design that increases comfort and mobility during arm movement; an advanced closure system; builtin leather reinforcement; thermal collar and throat strap; and an exclusive thermal yoke. It describes the technology behind the suits, as well as the advantages of PBI-blend fabric used to make the turnouts’ outer shell.
Cicle No. 52 on Reoder Service Cord
Life Support Products, Inc. introduces literature on its LSP industrial Kit.
The kit combines all the special features of the Trauma/Burn Pac System into one easy-to-carry pack, eliminating the need to carry several different emergency kits. Specifications and information is provided on the kit’s contents, such as the company’s face masks, normal saline solution, trauma/burn towel dressings, sterile disposable insert.
Cicle No. 53 on Reader Service Card
Literature on Cease Fire Corp.’s new line of dry automatic overhead extinguishers is available from the company.
The series includes four extinguishers, ranging from the CFB 800, designed for small utility/ maintenance closets and electrical equipment rooms, to the CFB 3000, which can be effectivelyused in barns and horse stables. The literature include information on dimensions, release temperature, options, and the benefits of each unit.
Cicle No. 54 on Reader Service Card
Pyrotronics introduces a four page brochure on its Pyr-A-Lon1301 extinguishing system which can be a pre-engineere standard, or custom-designed The brochure provides informs tion on the system’s benefits anr applications.
Circle No. 55 on Reader Service Card
Fact sheets are available on thre_____ models of the NEC Help Phoft are available from NEC Home Electronics, Inc. There’s infor_____ mation on the T-4101, T-4102 and T-4103, including emergen cy and operational features, design, message/memory device service options, and price.
Circle No. 56 on Reader Service Card
Interspiro’s new Spiromatic System is described in a bro_____ chure from the company. The system includes the breathin apparatus plus Savox radio co_____ munications, the Revitox rescusystem, rescue hose, filter adaf tor and filters, and fresh air co_____ er. There’s information on avaiable cylinder configurations, th Spiromatic mask and regulation and the carry ing device.
Circle No. 50 on Reader Service Card